Ummm I want to apologise if I offend anyone?
I am straight-acting i.e. not many people can tell I'm gay except for the fact I happen to have a boyfriend to whom I'm attached via the waist :-D
Anyway, I went off to London Saturday to meet some friends off the net. Friends I've known for some 5 years, some of whom are lesbian/gay and some who are straight. We went for lunch in Leicester Square and wandered round to Trafalgar Square (not my choice) to see what was going on.
An old guy around 70? in a sailor's outfit... except he had replaced trousers with Y fronts. OK, good for him for having the courage to do something like that... but everything I saw yesterday went completely and utterly against whatever point gay pride is trying to get across.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't gay pride all about being accepted in society as a normal person who just so happens to be romantically and sexually attracted to the same sex, but is still a normal person?
Instead you see guys dressing up as fairies, sailors, snow white's evil step-mother (no lie) and various other ridiculous costumes... and to me, it's all a big fake show. You can't tell me that the person they were, is a fairy? No, they just want attention.
You're probably all gonna come down on me like a ton of bricks and I really do apologise if I've offended anyone, this is just how I see it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but I see gay pride as fake. Doesn't mean that I am not proud of being gay however.
There was also some guy on stage trying to split the crowd into gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered. What the hell is that all about? Have we not had enough of being labelled up and segregated in everyday society, now you get segregated in a festival that is trying to abolish the very thing that they're doing?? I'm sorry but to me it doesn't matter if you are gay, bi, straight or any other label. You are an individual person. Yes, a person. Your label is your DNA inside your cells. The unique code that makes you who you are. That is ALL that matters. In my opinion
