01-11-2014, 02:41 AM
SilverBullet Wrote:"MisterTinkles;372420]Im not making fun of anyones beliefs, but this is just cwaaaaazeeee!!!!"
Yea, as humans we have accomplished a degree of space travel, Bombs that could wipe out small countries, lasers and now the nsa is working on Quantum computers. Humans are inventive for sure and as far as hoaxes go we were masters of it years ago. I never believe whats on a video clip about stuff like this, I would have to see it personally in a controlled environment using personal equipment and even then I would go through rigorous testing/experiments and still probably would not believe it. But I do enjoy stuff like like this or Lockness or something, I like the idea of a mystery and unexplained.
Oh, yeah, I am VERY fascinated by this kind of thing, always have been, always will be.
But I find that a lot of people WANT to believe this stuff, contrary to any proof, explanation, or truth otherwise.
I really like The Amazing Randi....
He was a professional illusionist turned to debunker of scams/frauds/hoaxes.....
For his long career as a "debunker", he offered a one million dollar prize to anyone, anywhere, who could show him something "paranormal", "extraterrestrial", or "unearthly" that he could not find cause/reason for, especially "tricks" that people played in order to get others to believe in the "supernatural" or "aliens" and such.
To this day, I dont think it was paid to anyone, because Randi debunked them all.