So there's gonna be some kind of LGBT Welcome Back event going on this tuesday at my college and I'm debating on whether I should go. I am very interested because I might be able to meet some new people who are of course gay or gay friendly. But there's a few things holding me back. 1. I don't think I'm ready for anyone I currently know to know anything about my bi-curiosity. I'm afraid of running into someone on my way there or something. 2. I'm not exactly comfortable with large gatherings. I have awkward enough social skills when I'm with one or two people, but a huge group of people I don't know? I'll feel so lost and instinctively go into my own little bubble of playing my 3DS or going on the internet. I am trying to stop doing that and be more social, but...I dunno. I don't want to try too hard to be social and come off as really weird. 3. I don't wanna waste my time. I've been to many events that just didn't interest me, didn't give me what I was expecting, and I just sit there thinking "Man, I could be at home playing Mario or something." I mean, I don't even know exactly what this event is. All I know is that there will be food, hot chocolate, and it's open to everyone.
What do you guys think? For all of you with gay friends or even a gay partner, how'd you meet? I know I don't have to go to an LGBT event to meet LGBT people, but I'm not sure of any other good options right now. I'm at college with no car.
Try to go there and if you feel it you stay, else you go and do something else. No?
Definitely go! They're fun, and kind of obscure -- no one really cares or bullies people in LGBT groups in the college setting (well, at least not my school). I assume you're paying a lot of money to go to school, and this group is definitely something you should go to if you want it to be a part of your school experience.
They probably will ask questions about your sexuality, and if you say unsure, they might try to help you find it. OR they might not; but you never know.
LGBT groups are also generally tame, but they do some events, like awareness posters and such. One at my school made a condom tree for Christmas to increase aids awareness. A popular excersise I see on Facebook is a group of people on a stage, each holding a poster like "MY grandmother sends me hatemail", "I consented to electroshock therapy", and when I looked closer, to my horror, one poster was on a stand, and it said, "I am not here any more.". So you may do powerful awareness demonstrations, though these don't seem to be typical (I want the one at my college to do that one though). They also support their members a lot, some people in LGBT groups are in a setting for the first time in their lives that supports gay rights, and they want to be a support for those people as much as possible. So a lot of that might happen, Since it's a group, if it seems lacking you can always contribute an idea that you think will go over well on your own too.
What do you guys think?
GOGOGO, if you don't like it no one is forcing you to go back!
For all of you with gay friends or even a gay partner, how'd you meet?
I met most of my gay friends through being a part of a committee that organizes conventions for my city. In the highschool setting, I simply didn't have much in common with anyone gay. Today, I know all of my gay peers from events I've volunteered for, which is actually odd, or through those gay friends (they'll add me on Facebook sometimes). This is actually how I met my boyfriend -- though for the first few months he didn't know he liked men. He liked women, but I guess he secretly had feelings towards men but would play them off as being normal and not meaning anything ( which didn't make sense to me, but apparently this is what some websites online say these days???), but eventually realized he liked me. The important thing here is, that if I hadn't been involved in things I never would have met the friends I met him through.
I know I don't have to go to an LGBT event to meet LGBT people, but I'm not sure of any other good options right now. I'm at college with no car.
Then go! Be productive, try new things.
You can always go as a LGBT-friendly person, you don't need to tell them about your bi-curiosity if you're not comfortable...not at first anyway..
I think it would be a good idea for you to do this, to meet more people and maybe get more comfortable with yourself. In time, you can get to discuss your curiosity with people you meet...
I know it's hard to get out there...I have panic attacks just thinking about goin out and gather with large crowds, but you can try to go...if you feel too uncomfortable, leave...
but do try it
If you dont like it, leave.
Yes you should like everyone says if you don't like it you can leave  I wish theopptunity to go to something like that...
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Yes go, if it is like here, alot of the community supports the lgbt community at the university, Jim
So I ended up going. Turns out it was basically just a little hang out session for students to chat while eating and drinking hot chocolate. It seemed like most of the people there already knew each other (possibly from prior LGBT events), so it was hard for me to interact with people since they were already all in different groups having conversations. I suppose I could've been brave and asked what they were talking about and try to see if there was anything I could add. But I'm not brave... :/ I just got some food, took a few pamphlets about the community and upcoming events, got a rainbow Ally pin, and left. Hopefully I can go to a future one that has a core activity.
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TonyAndonuts Wrote:So I ended up going. Turns out it was basically just a little hang out session for students to chat while eating and drinking hot chocolate. It seemed like most of the people there already knew each other (possibly from prior LGBT events), so it was hard for me to interact with people since they were already all in different groups having conversations. I suppose I could've been brave and asked what they were talking about and try to see if there was anything I could add. But I'm not brave... :/ I just got some food, took a few pamphlets about the community and upcoming events, got a rainbow Ally pin, and left. Hopefully I can go to a future one that has a core activity.
it's a start tony!
Only go if you want to. You shouldn't feel like you have to go.