First off””if you already have it's fine so just relax. Wanna know a beecret? The black bum heals all forms of the itch thumb that sticks out down south.
Here are 6Â real & raw questions you can ask yourself to determine if you are LGBT+ without four-playing or engaging in sexual-intercourse:
- Will I be dedicated to my Sexual-Orientation if I am LGBT Plus?
- Would I spend the rest of my life into old age with the Same-Sex?
- Is this feeling lustful or loving towards my significant other?
- If I am LGBT Plus, do I have the courage to 'Come Out' to the appropriate people?
- Do I know the correct areas of the body to engage in casual-sex to pleasure my partner?
- Lastly, Do I at least know my designated LGBT+ Flag & each colors' meaning?
The soul can confuse an individual into thinking that they are LGBT+ and/or Heterosexual through things like Out-of-Body Experiences (OBEs); Lucid Dreaming (LD); also, Astral Projection (AP) etc. etc.””finally, LGBT+ are simply born the way they are; if you are a part of the spectrum branch, you are born into that as well.
"Beyond the attractive person in mind, body, & soul is nothingness." - JDD22