I love honey, but that's not the only reason I'm worried about the honey bees. A lot of local farmers are going to completely die out as bee keepers discover they can't keep their bees from dying...I'm sure industry farming will survive of course.
Most 'honey' that we eat is actually fake honey; and you can definitely tell the difference if you try both real and pretend honey. I use honey all of the time when I have a sore throat -- as it helps me more than cough syrup.
There is probably going to be honey available all my life, but it's going to start getting more expensive for sure. It's unfortunate :\
Southbio what is that… a hornet?
Wollyhats theres lots of real honey here,, i dont know about your canadian stuff
Damn this i want some honey, spread on buttery lightly toasted muffin… omg
There's this place that's about 30 minutes away from where I live called beesonline. It's a honey farm in the countryside, and it has really good honey.
There's a little thingy where you get to taste every sort of honey they produce using little sticks. I loved it so much.
My relatives from China always ask my mum to buy them medicinal manuka honey... I've never eaten it before. I did have this cough drop made of crystallised medicinal honey though.
I love honey on a pancake...yum
But its becoming rare and expensive here in my country
Mmmm Manuka honey is soooooo good Lil you gotta try it.
Manuka honey combe com my toast.
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Unfortunately I dislike honey, (except from when it's with green tea.)
But I can appreciate the magnificence of honey, and the beauty of honey bee's. It'd be a shame if they were to go extinct, but that's the circle of life, some day it'll happen to all of us.
I have three hives going strong here on my property, all three are European Honey bees that have 'gone wild'. The first colony arrived about 8 years ago, taking up residence in the 'attic' (loft really) of the tool shed, another colony set up in the Eucalyptus tree behind my place, the last colony is half way down the river bank in a mid-age oak tree.
I had a forth colony set up home in the propane tank cap, I had to have a bee keeper come out and remove them. By the time she got her they had filled the whole cap with comb and honey.
She was actually surprised to find European bees living as well as they do here in Mirkwood. I'm not that surprised, I have a lot of natural flowering vegetation (weeds) that I allow to grow. Me thinks that the honey bees have tired of GMO crops and are seeking more natural food sources.
I think what is happening is that colonies are leaving human-made hives and setting up in the 'wild' - going rouge.
KFC is no longer serving real honey, those packets used to have pure honey in them, now they are some sort of flavored sugar water. I have no idea when that happened, I noticed a big change in the flavor of the 'honey' a couple years ago, read the packet and was surprised. Of course I only eat KFC on rare occasions, maybe 4 times a year.