My days here at Mirkwood are numbered. I believe the old man is not coming home and a fell wind blows from Colorado that whispers to my bones that soon Mirkwood is going to be sold.
Bob's son was here today, and I walked him around the property showing him all that needs to be done, he only wants one tree trimmed back and 'estimates' and 'we will see what we can do'.
"We will see what we can do" translation: Don't hold your breath buddy, we are going to sell this property as is as soon as we can.
Finding a caretaker job, you know tending the property, watching the house when the landlord is away - finding that sort of thing takes know-who. I know so few whos - so I'm wondering if anyone here knows a who who might need an old tired elf to breath a bit of woodland magic into their property.
Suggestions, ideas, comments...Opportunities all are welcomed.
f*ck you......for being so far away I can't take you could find some work where I live, nothing uber good, but something..
time for people to reply to this...someone local would be nice...
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If I was rich I'd hire you, I'd imagine I could learn a lot. Alas, I'm not rich, and this isn't really helping.
I hope you find some place nice to work.
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Sorry to hear that friend, I will look around my area and see if any of those who have property and money are looking, Jim
I'm on my phone right now so I can't, but if you'd like you can set us virtual job hunting for you.
You seem to have gained a lot of experience.. As a psw, caretaker, perhaps gardener, that's all stuff you can use. In the meantime, you can start giving out resumes, and possibly apply for programs like subsidized housing if you're worried about not having a place to stay.
Do I want to stay in California? Hmm. IDK.
Yeah there is the no-license issue. Its a bitch having the state tell you that because you lapse for a second or two at odd times without warning that they don't want you behind the wheel of a steel framed vehicle.
I will be 48 soon. Two more years to 50. 12 more years to 60... 12 years is not a long time.
Unfortunately Mr. Tinkles is refusing to be a sugar daddy... He could make this a lot easier for me... But Noooo.... :tongue:
I have been looking at the adverts. Popular sayings:
No pets, No smokers, must have a valid Driver's License.
I have my ancient dog, Granted with her well past 16 and heading to 17 I doubt she will be around forever, still I don't want to have to shove her off this mortal coil (no she will not adopt well, she has been with me her whole life).
I guess I could pull out and dust of the D. Min... hmmm. That means I have to throw out my decidedly nontraditional religious views and adopt those of a Modern Church. Jesus Saves, Coupons save even more!
Resume... Hmm. Yeah, how do I make one of those again?
Taking care of units - I'm too old for that shit. Renters are horrible monsters and 7 times out of ten totally trash a place.
I may be too tired to take on the work of youth any more. my Skill set includes construction, labor, yard work and stuff that requires a body that is young and strong.
Excuse my while I go drown in a deep pool of panic and anxiety.