Pull down their pants and suck their crotch... I mean dogs sniff ass, so hey :hugs-and-kisses-smi
Lol, but in all honesty, I don't think its rude to just ask. I just ask people;
"Are you Indian?" "Your extensions look nice, who did them?" "Did you know you had something on your face?"
Maybe some people are sensitive, but generally people whom I speak to are pretty open.
I wouldn't ask "do you suck cock?" But I don't think asking if someone is gay or not is offensive.
Either you are or you aren't simple as that. If you get offended, I'm gonna automatically assume you're hiding something, cause people who are comfortable in their sexuality don't flip out.
Just ask boo. Or perhaps hint at it and find out that way.
"Do you like Golden Girls?"
A: Omg yesss! Fucking love them! = Gay
B: Well kinda, but only when I see them on =Possibly gay, most likely straight.
C: Who?? = Straighter than a 180degree line
(This is a joke obviously ;p)
Obviously read facial cues, such as the crinkles around the eyes when someone is smiling, as fake smiles crease less, vocal changes in tempo or pitch can indicate nervousness, flaring the nostrils can be a sign of anxiety.
Not to mention body language, such as someone who talks with their hands when they normally don't, can be a sign of a lie, or when they lean away more, is a sign of un comfortability and a wanting to flee, and the reflexes in their fingers can indicate whether or not they are bothered, as a person on edge will naturally twitch more.
Also their pulse will increase when in the face of uncomfortability/nervousness and even attraction, noticeable from most commonly the Carotid Artery or the Superficial Temporal Artery, in the neck and temples respectively. Due to increased brain activity which kind of "kickstarts" the body's workings I.e Adrenaline, hence the increased blood flow and pulse rate.
So you see, there's many ways to tell

. everyone can do it, just many of us prefer to divulge the information our selves.
So if you don't wanna ask, then look
(My boyfriend when I get one is gonna hate me lol
