Now I have no idea... :-( But more or less everywhere in Africa is in a similar situation...
Its going to end (if it ever does) badly for the general population and the innocent who have no interest in continuing the conflict.
Its all about power, and who controls what. As James said, its been that way for 2000 years, the only difference is they have more destructive weapons to use against each other.
I truly hope the western powers (US/UK/Europe) have learned some lessons from the Afghanistan and Iraq wars and stay well out of it. Its a Middle East issue, let the more powerful Middle East countries broker the solution between them.
The biggest danger however is a destabilisation of the worlds oil supply, the majority of which still comes from the Middle East region.
The simple, and I am afraid the most accurate, answer is NEVER, or at least not until they have raped, pillaged, exploded, shot, stolen and eradicate every last shred of evidence of arabic nations.
Conflict in that region as a whole has been going on since Ceasar was a boy.
not read the thread as I find the subject too upsetting - it will end when the rest of the world decide they want Syria's oil - William Hague said today this was the worst humanitarian atrocity since the second world war (were doing nothing still) yet Kuwait was invaded by Iraq years ago with minimal loss of life (don't want to diminish any loss though) and the the USA steamed in with their bitch,,,the UK and the rest of the world, basically because the oil,,,they did Afghanistan too as a side war for their oil too =
why not got to Syria's aid ? nothing in it for them - simple .... same as when Yugoslavia imploded... they had no resources we wanted - so we had mass murder