Sylph says:
"if he did disclose his HiV status to his sex partners, then great. Still doesn't change the fact he had sex with 31 people while having HIV and no condoms."
Ok, so lets say he was on HIV meds, was undetectable, and did disclose his status to his sex partners, like most people with HIV do, yet his parnters still didn't mind the almost non-existent risk involved with not using a condom. Why would he still be, according to you, the only one at blame? Because he's the one with HIV? Why are the "victims" barred from any blame do their poor life choices?
I'm not excusing him from his responsibility to tell his sexual partners, I did call him an asshole, it just pisses me off with how everybody here jumped on the
"He's a sociopathic fetish monster" gravy train. Like it or not not, that gives a bad name to everyone struggling with the trauma of learning to accept their HIV status. They're imperfect, fragile human beings just like the rest of us, at risk of denial, fear of rejection, and the extreme lure of being caught up in the spur of a sexual moment. It doesn't make it right, but it's wrong to not take that into consideration, and disregard them as subhuman, sociopathic fetish monsters.
Sylph says:
"Don't you get on my case, cause if you were one of the ones he fucked up your tight ass and dropped his load in, you surely wouldn't be here trying justify his reasons for most importantly"
Just like I can't say how I would react had it been me finding out I was one of his "victims", you and everybody on this thread can't say he's this monster getting back at the world for his HIV disposition. You aren't in the shoes of someone with HIV. You don't know what they go through from first hand experience, the denial, the shame, the trauma, or the mental brokenness that it brings, so people can't speak like they know why he did what he did, or what was going on in his mind when he did it. We don't know the details from news outlets trying to gets views or ratings.
If I got HIV from sleeping around like a slut-bag with guys I didn't know, and never used condoms... jokes on me. I don't give a shit what victimization role I'd probably take on. I bear just as much responsibility, if not all of it, for my own sexual health.
nfisher1226 says:
"Nor can you dismiss the idea that condoms should have been used."
I never did dismiss that truth. If you read my post, you'd see that.
Again, both parties are to blame, although the college student has a moral obligation, the person he's about to fuck has the highest obligation, if they're so concerned about the risks involved with unprotected sex.
Where's the outrage directed at his "victims" for being so irresponsible, and careless about their own sexual health needs? Why aren't they demonized for being fucking imbeciles for not giving a shit, at least not until they find out they may have been exposed to HIV, due to their stupidity?
Funny, because I hear crickets....
nfisher1226 says:
"Nor can you deny that HIV will probably kill a person."
It can kill a person, if that person does not take the personal responsibility to get tested regularly, knowing they are sexually active, consequently not finding out their HIV status until it's too late; If that "victim" doesn't take on the responsibility to getting on treatment as soon as they find out, while leading a healthy lifestyle by exercising, eating healthy, and not drinking, smoking, or doing drugs.
HIV kills people that aren't responsible, the same responsibility dismissed for the "victims" of this news story by the naysayers of this thread whom only place blame, ridicule, and speculation onto the person spreading HIV.
HIV positive people who take charge of their healthcare needs, after being diagnosed, live just as long as people without HIV, and lead happy, successful lives, if they choose to do so. If they are responsible, taking their medications as directed, have regular check-ups at their doctor's office, and remain undetectable, they won't spread the virus, and will die, most likely, from something not related to their HIV+ status.
On the issue of him having recorded his sexual encounters: Ok?..... a lot of people do that! They do it to enhance their sexual experiences, and whose to say he wasn't in total denial of his status and going additional mental anguish, fogging his decision-making skills? It seems like he just liked videotaping his encounters... he probably did the same thing before finding out he was HIV+... that doesn't mean he did it as part of his
"master plan to screw over the world MUAHAHAHAHA!".... give me a break... the speculation on his true intentions by the people here are ridiculous. You have nothing to back up your demonizing claims, since those details are left out. That's not premeditated murder... that sexual exhibitionism... If he knew he was doing something wrong and illegal, why would he record it? He obviously didn't do it for vengeance, most likely, but to fulfill sexual kinks like most people do. I doubt he put that much thought into it, given that it became the most damning evidence to imprison him.