I agree, this
is a great topic to debate ...
Personally, I think that we as individuals ought to have the right to decide if we want to cash in our chips when we reach a certain stage. For me that's not the problem with euthanasia.
problem stems (to my mind) from bringing
other people into the mix ... so it's those handful of situations where the person is
unable to terminate their own life and would require the assistance of a third party to do it, such as if they were on prolonged life support and/or in a vegetative state, particularly if they have already expressed their intention and wishes whilst in a
fully compus state that they would never want to live in that condition.
It's a HUGELY diverse topic to discuss, so to avoid boring the tits off everybody on the boards with a huge huge huge long post (which I ASSURE you I'm capable of doing

), I shall sum-up my opinion as being as follows :-
If you're able to take your own life and decide that you want to rather than face what's ahead of you, then that's a personal decision and choice. I would never be willing to accept that any of the people I can access would make such a decision, as I would want to do my utmost to help them through it rather than watch them falter, but ultimately it is a personal decision to my mind.
If you've expressed your wishes, whilst in control of all your faculties, calm and collected, that you would never want to live in a vegetative state (for example), and then you were reduced to such a state following a car crash (again, for example) then, as long as there is a sufficient body of evidence to demonstrate that you will not be recovering from that condition, then as much as I hate to say it, I would agree with your wishes to terminate.
IF, however, and this affects the majority of cases to my mind, something unexpected happens to you suddenly, and you are reduced to a condition where most people would say "(x) would never have wanted anybody to see themself in that condition", but you yourself are unable to indicate your desire to terminate, then the burden falls on third parties, and I will be the first to admit that (THANK GOD) I have never been put in this position, so this is just my opinion, and it is NOT based on practical experience ... but I just don't think I would ever be able to look at somebody and say "yes, put them out of their misery". I'm sure there are instances when I could make a call, but I would never, ever want that responsibility.
I do appreciate the sentiment of a
merciful death, but I do not believe it is my place or right to pass judgment on the life or death of another.
... *looks up and realises he's waffled enough* ...
... *shuts up* ...
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!