The sand tiger shark has two wombs chambers in which the eggs reside. The embryos then eat each other until only one remians in each of those chambers
The orca has been known to beach itself to eat baby seals, worming its way backt o the water when done
How much venom from the Australian small-scaled snake can kill several adult humans?
Answer: .002 ounces (the volume of a small raindrop)
The imperial scropion can grow upto seven inches in length
The male starling lines the nest with vegetation that protects the baby birds from lice
The Galapagos woodpecker finch digs larvae from the wood with a stick or cactus spine
Since the skin of toads contains poison, very few creatures eat them...with the exception of the skunk who has been known to roll them in wet grass
The large-eared pika (mini squirrel) has been known to make its home at an altitude of 20,000 feet
The shingleback lizard of Australia has a think, short, rounded tail that's shaped like its head; a characteristic that confuses predators and gives the slow reptile a better chance at escape
The Japanese macaque is a rare monkey that likes cold weather. When temperatures drop below freezing, they are known to lounge in natural hot springs