07-18-2008, 11:49 PM
I can't help but notice that there are an ever-increasing number of people joining the site (which is great), but a far fewer number posting (which is fine - I'm not having a go at you), so I just thought I'd start up a new thread to say a big hello
to all those of you that have signed up to our little community, and visit us on a frequent (or infrequent) basis, but choose for whatever reason not to post ...
I just wanted to say that you're more than welcome to join-in - it'd be good to welcome you properly on board :biggrin:.
Of course if you'd just rather keep checking-in and/or watching, that's cool too
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!

I just wanted to say that you're more than welcome to join-in - it'd be good to welcome you properly on board :biggrin:.
Of course if you'd just rather keep checking-in and/or watching, that's cool too

!?!?! Shadow !?!?!