02-18-2014, 06:13 PM
From what I have learned in my life so far........................
For whatever you think of yourself, there are 5 more people who will see you and think the exact opposite. Seriously.
If you are lucky enough to have these people actually tell you these things, and not just keep it to themselves, then you will see that you are not the freak show you think you are.
As I stated in another thread, I never had any guy make a pass at me until AFTER I gained like 50 pounds!! So, your "fat" has nothing to do with it. I can vouch for that much.
Just because you aren't one of the "pretty, shallow, vain, plastic" people, does not mean you are any less. You are just REAL, not plastic, fake, and phony.
I dont know what you look like, but what made me feel better when I thought these things about myself, was changing my sense of style. I went out and bought all new clothes. Updated, classic style, fashions. I bought updated shoes, and I even got an updated haircut and grew a goatee/mustache.
And even though I still thought I was "fat" and "ugly", *I* felt a LOT better about me. And it was amazing how that tiny, little bit of happiness was being shown to others, as more people noticed me.
It may seem a vain thing to do, but it was not for vanity, it was for change. I kept hearing about "change is good"....blah, blah, blah............
So after about a year of hearing that all the time, I decided to give it a try.
Think about updating yourself.
Go to a nice store that carries your size in clothes and get some fashion ideas/advice.
Go to a reputable salon and get some ideas for new hairstyles.
Can you grow a beard/goatee/mustache? Grow one.
Do you already have one? Shave it off.
Update yourself. Take yourself out one day, and have a "just for me" day. Get new clothes, get a new haircut, get a facial, get a manicure too!
Go wild and clean your home! Scrub it from top to bottom, move things around, reposition your furniture.......you will feel new, like you are starting over on a clean slate. I've done this a few times in my life, and it makes me feel good. And once you start to feel good about YOU, then you dont care what other people think about you. And that is the key, because when you stop caring about what other people think, thats usually when they start noticing you.
For whatever you think of yourself, there are 5 more people who will see you and think the exact opposite. Seriously.
If you are lucky enough to have these people actually tell you these things, and not just keep it to themselves, then you will see that you are not the freak show you think you are.
As I stated in another thread, I never had any guy make a pass at me until AFTER I gained like 50 pounds!! So, your "fat" has nothing to do with it. I can vouch for that much.
Just because you aren't one of the "pretty, shallow, vain, plastic" people, does not mean you are any less. You are just REAL, not plastic, fake, and phony.
I dont know what you look like, but what made me feel better when I thought these things about myself, was changing my sense of style. I went out and bought all new clothes. Updated, classic style, fashions. I bought updated shoes, and I even got an updated haircut and grew a goatee/mustache.
And even though I still thought I was "fat" and "ugly", *I* felt a LOT better about me. And it was amazing how that tiny, little bit of happiness was being shown to others, as more people noticed me.
It may seem a vain thing to do, but it was not for vanity, it was for change. I kept hearing about "change is good"....blah, blah, blah............
So after about a year of hearing that all the time, I decided to give it a try.
Think about updating yourself.
Go to a nice store that carries your size in clothes and get some fashion ideas/advice.
Go to a reputable salon and get some ideas for new hairstyles.
Can you grow a beard/goatee/mustache? Grow one.
Do you already have one? Shave it off.
Update yourself. Take yourself out one day, and have a "just for me" day. Get new clothes, get a new haircut, get a facial, get a manicure too!
Go wild and clean your home! Scrub it from top to bottom, move things around, reposition your furniture.......you will feel new, like you are starting over on a clean slate. I've done this a few times in my life, and it makes me feel good. And once you start to feel good about YOU, then you dont care what other people think about you. And that is the key, because when you stop caring about what other people think, thats usually when they start noticing you.