Huike Wrote:Coming out.
What does that actually mean? From reading it sounds bad and dissappointing, do I have to really Come out if I want to be happy or something? It obviously relative so...yeah.
I'm perhaps a little late coming to this thread as it's already been well-answered, but to
me, "coming out" is the process of confirming for other people that you aren't heterosexual, so whether that means you're bisexual, gay or a lesbian or something else, it doesn't really matter - it's explaining to people that you're not what they probably think you are ... and dealing with the ramifications of that, both good and bad.
has to come out - being of a different sexuality is a very concealable thing if you choose to hide it ... but most people that choose to come out (and I speak from experience when I say this)
do find that their quality of life ultimately
improves as a result, because they don't feel like they are lying or concealing the information from their friends and loved ones, and they are able to finally stand on their own two feet because of it, and earn some respect for themselves, and from other people, for it.
Huike Wrote:Decision? Isnt it just if your gay your gay? well for male's but not for females?
And my mom, she knows or waiting? I dont want to hurt my mother...or any tension between her.
Yup, it is very much that, but ... take me for example - very few people thought I was
gay - they thought I was
quiet and
nerdy and a bit of a
recluse ... so they assumed I was straight, and for
years and years I put up with all the questions "are you courting yet ? Isn't she fit I'd love to do her ... bla bla bla bla bla" until ultimately it got to me to the point where I felt like I was lying to the people I loved, and to myself, and I had to straighten it out ... it was one of the best moves I've ever made, hands down (even if it was terrifying at the time !).
Huike Wrote:Also Im not sure which kinda wacks me up :confused:
That is the most significant aspect of your post ... if you're not certain of your own sexuality, then there's no point (in my mind) in going through the rigmorol of coming out ... it's kinda embarrassing to "come out" as being a homosexual, say, and then change your mind, 'coz by then people will start to identify you
as a homo, and it just confuses people ...
... better to get it straight in your own mind before taking the plunge with the coming out issue methinks ...
... so do you perhaps want to talk about in what way you're not sure about your sexuality ??

mile:. That would seem like a good place to start ...
!?!?! Shadow !?!?!