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Gay Sex =/= Gross
A lot of people that oppose gay marriage are basically opposing it because


Do you think they realize that gays don't all engage in sodomy?
That gay people in fact don't often consume poop like ice cream (video)?
That kissing people is something they do?
That statistically speaking oral sex is something they do too?

I was watching a video where a guy from Africa was teaching on homosexuality and sodomy and he was like, "THEY EAT THE POO POO OF OUR CHILDREN". What. The. Actual. Fuck.

Do you think that educating people on the fact that "gay sex" is just "Sex" and isn't necessarily grosser than "straight" sex might help build tolerance?

I just notice there are so many misconceptions, sterotypes, or biases about sex between the same gender. Sure, some people have more hardcore sex, more will try it, but that's true of everyone. And even still, it's NOT any more disgusting (or not disgusting) than sex between the opposite genders.

I don't understand why it's a big issue.

The video I found is from Uganda, surprise surprise.


>:C uganda makes me angry!

And I think that sex ed needs to be that.
Education on sex and even on gender.
Gender studies should be an option at most school IMO
And during sex ed gender ed should be taught too.
IDK I think kill the human race most of the time. Would stop us for being so stupid. -.-
I've lost 99% of hope for humanity. That also comes with 1% having 99% of the wealth.
There's just so much wrong. We are going backwards. And the class system is showing more of it's ugly face again.
I can say I'm middle/working class
Now I'm ranting GAH!

I think this is the same idiot that was showing videos of fisting and claiming that is what all gays do. I find it hard to believe people actually listen to him. Are people that so in the dark?

Since I was a child a never understood why people have a problem with love. If it isn't love as they know it there is something wrong with it. These are generally people I don't want anything to do with.

Ok so they say its gross, lets not try to defend ourselves by saying we dont always do it or we dont have to do it, it is disgusting, the whole buisness of sex and bodily functions is quite disgusting really but not as disgusting as what the human mind can concieve..

A person who assumes gay people want to eat their childrens poo poo cannot be argued or reasoned with…

^^^ True, but their children can be reasoned with in their formulative years. I'm talking about education programs in schools, that simply attempt to teach how straight and gay people have sex in a factual manner. I seriously think the UN should be supporting and insisting on this... we have universally recognised math and science methods and laws that we all recognise and follow without any comment (IUPAC system, number system, etc.), yet we don't universally teach about culture, sex, gender, HISTORY, anything because some hill billy thinks the halocaust didn't happen or something ridiculous like that? Is it any wonder people become as fucked up as the people in this video?

Obviously general public education should exist but it's going to be less effective. I highly doubt that saying gay men insert their hands into each other's butts to extract poop and eat it is factual or at least representiive as to what's typical -- just as fisting between straight couples is not typical. When education does not take place, it leaves the door wide open for fools like this to make up utter bull shit.

I was just curious as to ideas as to what can be done about ridiculous people like this. These are the people that are making homosexuality such a difficult reality for people in undeveloped countries --- these idiots who have no idea or care for what they're doing.

Edit: As much as gay people shouldn't have to, at some level it seems like they must defend the 'how' in regards to sex, otherwise these 'people' liken homosexuality to pedophilia while arbitrarily making up fantasies about gay sex that should only be exposing how developmentally retarded they are, but somehow are believed and allow homosexuals to be persecuted.

Sorry for being ranty, I see things like this and think of the people that come here on the verge of suicide because their country is legally forcing them to pretend they don't exist, via death penalty/ imprisonment, and a lot of the support for laws like this come from grassroot people like this who are 'preaching' things that just aren't real.

Anyway I'm off to work now, so I'm moving on with my life... but I am interested to see what people think, if anything, about issues like this.

Isnt asking to teach their children about gay sex what they want us to say. I think most people know what gay sex is and see no problem if it involves a man and woman...

Never in my wildest dreams have i thought gay sex including each others poop. That's ridiculous, like where the he'll do they get this info from? Especially in Africa...plus they think teaching a class will stop homosexuality? Lmao I wouldn't be suprised if one or two of the kids in that class cursed the guy out and then flipped him off as they left laughing

Heteros are just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fukkin retarded sometimes, I think I lose weight by how hard I laugh at their ignorance and how they flaunt it like something to be proud of!!!!

I think Christians wanting to persecute someone to feel better about themselves should persecute those bearing false witness more than the gays...but then many of those persecuting the gays would then be persecuting themselves. I'd say post the 10 commandments to remind them not to bear false witness but that obviously doesn't work (which begs the question, why do they think posting them in schools and government buildings will make people more honest and moral when so many of them are lying sleazeballs?).

There is a general myth-understanding of sex in general, which the Age of the internet is making worse.

Understand western society has had a long history of myth. Such as women are unable to enjoy sex, such as the legs of anything make men horny - ergo tables must wear skirts... Masturbation causes hairy paws, leads to insanity.... (which may explain why I'm as mad as I am) - lots and lots of myths that are really hard to break.

It is worse today, the internet has causes a lot more problems, instead of teaching us the 'truths' of sex, it only teaches us a lot more new myths and teaches us stuff that frankly both genders, all sexual orientations are suffering for.

Most kids around your age, growing up with access to porn are getting a lot of notions which are wrong.

Guys see their (on average) 7 minute ability to do 'stuff' before detonation as being too soon. Truth, on average it takes 7 minutes, not 30 minutes or however long the porn vids do it.

Gals see porn and see totally shaved bodies and think that is what guys want. So what do they do?

The whole 'lawn trimming' thing that has become popular with your generation on both genders of this issue is largely due to exposure to porn where trimming and shaving was done for photographing purposes.

Gay porn Formula A:

Two guys get together, they start off with oral, the magic condom suddenly appears, anal sex takes place - both take turns shooting, often on one another.

Gay formula B:

Something extreme happens, arms disappear up to the elbow, some one gets tied down or in a sling - The electroshock therapy takes place - A giant dildo large enough to make a stud stallion (real horse) feel less confident is used... Oral takes place for tens of minutes, followed by the inevitable anal penetration - pounding, rough with the bottom clearly in agony, but still begging for more - some one is going to end up being the glazed doughnut when this all ends.

Both gays and straights have strange ideas about what really happens in the gay bedroom. Most people believe that penetrative anal is a must - it just has to happen... Most gay men when polled (60%) desire nothing more than oral, with 69 being the most popular position. Sex is supposed to be rough, seriously how many porn videos in any orientation show 'love making'?

Porn is setting and has been setting precedents for sex not just gay sex, but all sex.

BDSM videos are perhaps the worst, simply because they don't cover 'safe words' and the all important after care.... That has lead to the leather Scene becoming a very dangerous place throwing off many broken subs who are 'no-limit' subs... and a lot of wanna be tops who have taken the pain aspect of this sort of thing way over the top....

Myths spawns stories, stories are taken as 'reality' and then people seriously try to meet the expectations of those stories.

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