03-07-2014, 10:42 PM
Well, I know I am making another post. This onw is more centered with a purpose. I have relationship ocd, its basically a doubt if your in love or not for someone who has ocd. I do have ocd, my old username was ocdDan. Anyways, im unsure of how to handle this. Im just doubting my love. I know I love her. But I have so much anxiety built up im worried I dont. Its so difficult to deal with. I have no reason to doubt my love, sometimes i doubt it..sometimes I have no doubt I love her. Its hard to deal with, like I want to talk ot her and call her all the time she does not annoy me. But at the same time im afraid of this obsession and I wanna be as far away from her as posible because I get anxiety worrying That I dont love her. And when Im gone My anxiety is down but I miss her a lot. Its like so contradicting. This just came up now a week ago. I have been with hr for 2 years.....It just came up because we had a movie week when she was away and we watched movies all day but never talked. We just called and picked out a movie and sat there quietly until she fell asleep. Then finally after that week we decidded to just call on the phone, and I had no idea what to talk about and neither she. So when this happened I got worried and went "omg what if I dont love her anymore and thats why this happened" And now its hell for me. She said she said the same thing but she was able to put it off because she knew it was juts from the movie week and she knew she still loved me after a day and she pushed it out of her mind so easily, of course me...I couldnt I have ocd. So I need help please
I know I love her its just so hard to get through my ocd thoughts