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let me ask you dear members what do you think about suicide?

Can some philosophical reason motivate suicide?How do you think is it possible to commited suicide after reading Schopenhauer for example?

I dont think suicide is acceptable. I may not have the greatest life, support or family but I still manage and if I can do that and live a life to my fullest, then so can others. Life can be difficult at times but more when your younger. But I must say, when you get outta school and get your own life (a job, bf/gf, your own place, etc.) life will get much better for you. My personal opinion.

I think that suicide is a fully acceptable and ofttimes noble thing to do. Depends on the circumstances of course.

Having worked with terminal people who had no other options left except die while they still had some dignity left or wait until their illness stripped them of everything they considered made them human I am well aware that there are times when opting out of life makes sense.

I hold little to no store in philosophy. Or for that matter religious morality. I consider ethics far more important and ethically it is wrong to allow a person to suffer, as wrong as it is to allow a dog or cat to suffer, and plenty of those are put down (euthanized) because its a mercy.

Well, I don't know how to sugarcoat it;

Suicide is an Easy solution to a Hard problem.

It takes a strong will and determination to persevere through the course and obstacles in ones life.

It's usually regret and self pity and blah blah that emboldens such decisions, and as Tinkles put it in a thread recently;

People go through such lengths to end their life, but struggle to make them work.

To me personally, and I'm gonna be honest, I don't have time to be a weak bitch(not saying others are, just my form of speech), I may not have been raped or abused or harrased to the point of depression and anxiety, but I have been through stuff and for me, it only ever made me stronger.

We're allowed to feel sad and so forth, but Suicide really seems like such an easy and selfish method to cope with hardships and reality.

I was really saddened by that Tyler Clementi boy who jumped off a bridge. I thought he could've braved through that situation...

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:I think that suicide is a fully acceptable and ofttimes noble thing to do. Depends on the circumstances of course.

Having worked with terminal people who had no other options left except die while they still had some dignity left or wait until their illness stripped them of everything they considered made them human I am well aware that there are times when opting out of life makes sense.

I hold little to no store in philosophy. Or for that matter religious morality. I consider ethics far more important and ethically it is wrong to allow a person to suffer, as wrong as it is to allow a dog or cat to suffer, and plenty of those are put down (euthanized) because its a mercy.

Well euthenasia of Animals isn't technically considered Suicide, as they are not doing it themselves . and not only that, but to relieve one of suffering through means outside ones self, is not suicide, as it is not self inflicted Boe-In gurl.

But I do agree that in a circumstance such as that, then perhaps living on when the end is irrevocably bleak and irreversible would be too much for a person to bear.

But I don't think it falls synonmously under "Suicide".

They may make the decision, but it is others who must execute them.

Suicide from a pagan view ... is allowed, because it is MY decision and my life .... BUT : I think it is a wrong way.... My opinion is that a suicide should only be practicable in incurable diseases such as Terminal cancer to spare suffering.
We do not know what life brings .... what appears to us as insurmountable today is - when we look back on it - no problem.
So we can not know what we miss .... to many people it is not given to grow old because they die earlier due to illness or accident. The life - every life - is a gift that must be respected and it is much too valuable to throw it away,

^^^ Trust me committing suicide is not as easy as it appears.

And for those who have deep depression and other forms of emotional pain, what you said on the subject is at best trite if not down right dismissive of real emotional pain and suffering.

It is not a matter of will that causes a person to continue life, it is a matter of if that life is worth living. It is a matter of how much pain they are expected to endure and just how many more steps they have to go through while suffering to meet everyone's expectations of them.

Imagine waking up every single day in pain, knowing that nothing you do will be enjoyable, that everything you do will require tremendous amounts of energy to accomplish - energy you neither have nor never will have. Lack of interest in anything, lack of joy from anything. Each time you hear a joke you have to force a laugh because its expected, every day you have to force yourself to go to your job and earn a living.

Imagine that it feels like you are in a lead suit that weighs 500 pounds - just lifting your arm requires a lot of effort - forget putting on clothes, going to a job and dealing with a world full of idiots who laugh carelessly at every little thing.

Imagine looking at at every minor mole hill in your life and seeing an impassable mountain range.

That is depression. There is no cure, all of those pills and therapies and all of that may (if you are lucky) reduce the symptoms of depression and make life easier to live. however the chances are extremely high you will live out each and every single day for the rest of your life struggling with it.

If you have ever spent any amount of time being in depression it becomes suddenly clear what a lifetime of facing THAT is like.

No, people who opt out of life due to emotional 'issues' are doing so because frankly the quality of life is not there and its not a lack of will that causes them to end it, but because its a promise of some sort of serenity, even if its the peace of the grave.

Oh and Mr. Tinkles isn't always right... In fact he is often wrong about much.... We just don't correct him.:tongue:

Ill tell you guys this.

I have a mental illness in which it causes me to contemplate suicide and symptoms most do not or would not want to experience throughout their entire life. Ive had it for over 10 years now.

My family is against my so called "life-style" and dont agree with it and have degraded me in so many ways that I cant forgive them. I wont even cry when they die, thats how much they've hurt me.

In school I was bullied and beaten for being gay and told many unearthly things.

Through all that, I never committed suicide even though the lgbt gives a higher chance of suicide and then add on mental illness which adds even more of a chance to commit suicide too.

so if someone cant get the "strength" to go on, and commit suicide. then I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for that person one bit.

For me suicide is not acceptable thing. We haven't given this life to ourselves and that's why we don't have any rights to take it away from us. I've had very hard periods in live myself, but I've never even had the slightest thought about killing myself. I'll never understand people who do it. Think about all the pain that you will cause to those people who love and need you ( and there will always be someone). I know I could never do it, because this life is the only thing that I have and I'm happy and grateful to be alive.

I have a split opinion on suicide.

Euthanasia for terminal illnesses

I think euthanasia is an acceptable choice in certain circumstances. Say you are diagnosed with Stage IV skin cancer, and you have a 0% recovery prognosis, your skin is self mutilating, breaking open, the cancer inside of you is spreading causing unbearable pain that palliative care is not able to treat --- and in the final few weeks before your death, it's only going to get worse.

I support suicide in this case. In this circumstance the mental abilities are still there, and a person is making an informed choice to skip the last pain filled weeks. In this circumstance, I believe the option to create a suicide kit and use it should be legal and available. If my example happened to me, I would order the components of said kit, and end my life on my own terms, to hell with what the law says.

Euthanasia as a response to mental health problems/stressors

When people are experiencing depression, or loved ones have perished and they feel they have no meaning, etc. , I believe these things are treatable. Mental illness is not terminal, so ending one's life should not be the response to it. Furthermore; we all know we shouldn't make important life decisions when we have reduced mental facilities - and I don't think that mental illness is much different. In this circumstance I do not feel suicide is the correct choice.

To directly answer your question: Internal thinking and personal philosophy is a big component of suicide. For example, a strongly religious person would not willingly commit suicide for fear or going to hell, a person with a cause might try to be a martyr, etc. etc.... so yes it's a component.

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