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MisterLove Wrote:Totally against suicide.

Human life is sacred and not disposable under any circumstance.

While I do agree, I also make some exceptions. While your brain is irriversibly and incurably rotting away, along with all memories and the ability to form new ones, yet merciless enough to grant you sane moment to realise how dead you are, while still breathing.

I don't have alzheimers, or terminal cancer, or anything that could compare, but in my current state my opinion (which may or may not change were I to actually have either) is that I would rather be euthanized than live months (or years) longer than I am actually alive enough to talk to my friends and family.

My husbears mother lived half a year too long. Breast cancer spread to her brain and in the end she was in immense (unkillable) pain and in no way herself; her brain was infected in a way that completely changed her personality, from being a loving mother to being a monstrous creature with no trace of empathy for her children or others. Yet she lived, in hospital, for around 6 months. To the great pain of all her 3 children and her husband, who had their memory of their loving mother/wife forever damaged.
And that's nothing out of the ordinary that happens when a disease is deadly, but not quite enough to actually kill the person infected.

MisterLove Wrote:Totally against suicide.

Human life is sacred and not disposable under any circumstance.
Suicide totaly against you..
Sacred? What give to us experience of sacred status of life except death? And when we come closer to death the sacred status of life revealed to us. Sometimes attempt to suicide can bring to us this experience of sacred status of life.

Valet Wrote:Your view of theme of suicide completely relate to medical aspects. But many people decide to commit suicide because they found that life is meaningless.
I think we have' not existential foundation. Life in philosophical sense means
nothing. We fill our existential emptiness with illusions - and they dying with us.

And when your brother kills himself because he couldn't bear the thought of being gay, the pain you and your family feels is all an illusion that dies with you anyway.

If you find life meaningless, you're depressed.
It's not that I don't agree, that if you find life meaningless, what purpose is there to prolong it? It's that that opinion can change at any given moment and your near and dear can be spared the unbearable pain of having you lost forever to them, just because of a flash of philosophy.


As you can see, this is one of those extremely "sticky" subjects.

I cannot say it's wrong, because there are aspects of it that are agreeable, such as someone being too medically sick to heal, or having to live as a "vegetable" of some form, or you are in constant agony and no medicine/medical treatment will help.

It is wrong, if you are using it as a "cop out", an easy way to get away from problems.

My question to you is........HOW DO YOU KNOW YOUR PROBLEMS ARE NOT A MILLION TIMES WORSE IF YOU KILL YOURSELF? Who's to say if there is or is not some form of "heaven" or "hell"?
I don't believe in either, but that does not mean that they may not exist.

Again.......I have never understood people who fight so damned hard, for the right to kill themselves.....but never put one ounce of that fight and determination into living.

Is mankind bred to constantly be dissatisfied? Yes.

As long as humans are raised and taught to want and not need, to worship money and possessions, instead of things that actually matter in life.......mankind will always be dissatisfied and looking for ways to cheat it, get around it, and have their wants.

Humans are still ignorant, obsessive, and lethargic creatures. They want to know as little as possible, but made to feel like they know it all. They want their wants when they want them, which is always 'yesterday', and will lie, cheat, and steal to get them. They will do as little work, if no work at all, to get 'what they other guy' has, or more....and then think they have been CHEATED out of what is "rightfully" theirs! Then start spouting threats, violence, and suicide to get people to feel sorry for them, because they are too stupid, too lazy, or too "whatever" to actually WORK for what they want, instead of sitting in front of the TV all day, waiting for it to be brought to them on a "silver platter"!!

Until people teach their kids need instead of want, it will always be like this.

You left out the electro shock therapy, ba. Not easy to reply to this have gone down that road, but I know the pain that overwhelms the will to live, that said trying to get some help with past issues. Foot note is called mental health today was put on hold for 20 minutes and hung up. The trick is to let people know you recognise their pain and show them another way to cope, Jim
[Image: images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRz-Six7p24KDjrx1F_V...A&usqp=CAU]

I'm going to be lazy and just post quotes I like on the matter. I think the subject is quite large and in turn I would find my self writing a book of contradictions.

"The obsession with suicide is characteristic of the man who can neither live nor die, and whose attention never swerves from this double impossibility. "

"The fact that life has no meaning is a reason to live - moreover, the only one. "

"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering."

"When we have glimpsed, by an overwhelming and readily renewable intuition, anyone’s own uselessness, it is incomprehensible that everyone has not done the same. To do away with oneself seems such a clear and simple action! Why is it so rare, why does everyone avoid it? Because, if reason disavows the appetite for life, the nothing which extends our acts is nonetheless of a power superior to all absolutes; it explains the tacit coalition of mortals against death; it is not only the symbol of existence, but existence itself; it is everything. And this nothing, this everything, cannot give life a meaning, but it nonetheless makes life persevere in what it is: a state of non-suicide"

I believe suicide is selfish in most cases. I guess the pain you're going through has to become severe enough for you to ignore the impact it will have on family and friends. Almost every person has at least someone who loves him/her, whether it be parents, siblings, friends or whatever.

When I was younger I considered suicide several times, which is all but unusual for gay kids. But I thought about how that would ruin the lives of my parents and seriously harm the lives of my brothers and friends. So I never did it, and now things are much, much better Smile

Like Sylph said, it's an easy solution to something hard.

i think that it is incredibly selfish to tell someone to live in complete broken misery and pain (whether mental or physical) just because there might be people in their life who would be saddened by their death.

I do not consider suicide a negative thing necessarily.

I do think suicide is often an action taken out of a lack of support, be it emotional or physical.
Which shows up shortcomings in society and possibly people around them(or sometimes lack thereof).

I also hold the position that everyone should be able to make the decision to end their own life, should they want to.

While it is clear to me the justification for suicide with chronic/permanent physical ailment, chronic/permanent psychological ones can be harder to quantify in their severity, so I do feel a little uncomfortable supporting such a position when those are the reasons for suicide.

Overall, I feel it best to focus on bettering support for people with chronic conditions, while supporting the right to end ones life.
With checks in place to make sure the decision is not one made in haste without careful thought.

I just wish there was a way to get around how suicide can be selfish in how it causes much emotional pain to those they may leave behind.
I'm not really sure encouraging the individual thinking of ending their life to tell those around them first would work out...
It's a complex issue, probably with no easy answer...(like most things)

I take these threads very seriously, suicide is no joke.

I once replied to a similar thread in another gay forum and later I found out that the guy in question actually committed suicide. Apparently, he was being falsely accused of molesting children.

Even though I couldn't dissuade him, I'm glad I said the right thing at the time.

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