03-16-2014, 08:55 PM
Hello Hello!
I don't even know how I found this site. Sometimes I can just mindlessly surf around the www and come across the most weird sites ever.. but this time, on a sunny day nonetheless, I came across this one and you guys seemed too fun(ny) not to take a chance to join here!
As the title says, I'm from Belgium, the Dutch part but I speak both French and Dutch... But yeah, Belgium! The country of rain, beer and chocolate!
My name is Dimi and I'm 25 years old ( 1/4 of a century omg!) and this year I'll be 8 years together with my first (and probably only
) boyfriend!
I work as a claimshandler in insurances... not sooo exciting.. but it allows me to work 9 to 5 and have free time left for hobby and stuff so not realllllly complaining.. (much..). Why do I work as one when I'm not that passionate about it? I kinda rolled into it and never left.. guess I'm a habit-keep-person-ish kind of person.
Details about me.. I'm tall (1m90 ish). I'm very clumsy, kinda socially awkward but after a while you'll find out that's part of my charm xD
I adore horrormovies! The bloodier the better .. I usually regret looking at the really nasty/what the fudge-kinda ones but there's this voice in my head that forces me to watch it.. curiosity kills the "cat", I guess?
Talking about cats, I have 3! They are our furry babies.
That's about it, I think. There is, ofcourse, way more. But I don't think a first introduction post should be pages long
Looking forward talking/discussing with you guys and making some new friends around the globe!
Now I'm off to find out how to add an avatar and signature stuff and yeah.. lurk around
I don't even know how I found this site. Sometimes I can just mindlessly surf around the www and come across the most weird sites ever.. but this time, on a sunny day nonetheless, I came across this one and you guys seemed too fun(ny) not to take a chance to join here!
As the title says, I'm from Belgium, the Dutch part but I speak both French and Dutch... But yeah, Belgium! The country of rain, beer and chocolate!
My name is Dimi and I'm 25 years old ( 1/4 of a century omg!) and this year I'll be 8 years together with my first (and probably only

I work as a claimshandler in insurances... not sooo exciting.. but it allows me to work 9 to 5 and have free time left for hobby and stuff so not realllllly complaining.. (much..). Why do I work as one when I'm not that passionate about it? I kinda rolled into it and never left.. guess I'm a habit-keep-person-ish kind of person.
Details about me.. I'm tall (1m90 ish). I'm very clumsy, kinda socially awkward but after a while you'll find out that's part of my charm xD
I adore horrormovies! The bloodier the better .. I usually regret looking at the really nasty/what the fudge-kinda ones but there's this voice in my head that forces me to watch it.. curiosity kills the "cat", I guess?
Talking about cats, I have 3! They are our furry babies.
That's about it, I think. There is, ofcourse, way more. But I don't think a first introduction post should be pages long

Looking forward talking/discussing with you guys and making some new friends around the globe!
Now I'm off to find out how to add an avatar and signature stuff and yeah.. lurk around