Indeed, after a manic weekend and this week - I ended up asking a guy out and sleeping with him and stuff.
Just thought I'd share that with the world. So haa my profile needs changing now :biggrin:
Get you (WHY is there not an aptly jealous looking smiley ANYWHERE??)
I'm still in the 'is this going anywhere' stage of things...
Anyways what i'd ORIGINALLY meant to say was get you :tongue::tongue:
actually we spoke for ages in london and eventually sat down next to each other and then I laid back on the concrete floor which was higher than ground floor and him next to me.
Then we hugged very closely for what seemed like ages and then went to his place and kissed the whole night.
anyway, long story short I am happy.
Just wonderful to hear - Yeah!!!
Wahoo wicked. Hope things work out for you dude :biggrin:
Congrats :biggrin: and good luck. Relationships can be hard, and more strain is added for us i think