If I'm not mistaken 'ubuntu' is a term of Southern African origin, although other terms for the same basic concept exist elsewhere in Africa - Naomi Tutu, daughter of Desmond Tutu, talked about this philosophy at a recent function at my university. She used the wording "A person is a person through other people," which I believe her father and others have used before, but the idea is the same as the phrasing used in the OP. She went on to say that when you oppress others, or take it all for yourself at others' expense, you oppress yourself in a way - living with the constant fear of having your place of privilege taken from you. No one lives in a vacuum, people rely on each other, and it's about how you treat others in their shared humanity...of course then you get things where "people" just means your specific group and everyone else is not a "person" in the same way, but hey that's just people being people doing what people do best.
Well it would be nice if we all shared that philosophy would,nt it but from what i know is that in nigeria muslims are killing christians and in central african republic, christians (anti-balaka "anti-machete") are systematically killing and driving out muslims in response to muslim atrocities against christians when the minority muslim population was in power.