Debbie Harry claims a person can be refused service based on sexual orientation in Kansas
Reading this months classic rock mag and during an interview with Debbie Harry of Blondie fame states she turned down a chance to play in Russia during the Olympic games due to the government's clamp down on gay rites , but then goes to point the finger at the USA quoting that the state of Kansas has passed a Law stating a person can be refused service based on their sexual orientation if the store owner so chooses ????? surely this cannot be correct - has miss Harry got it wrong ? she does say she has been working closely with Amnesty international, so she should know her stuff.
why would Obama allow this if it is true ?? - answers below please
Yeah I read this a while ago, quite depressing really.
But i believe it can only be done on the grounds that the survee is religious, and they're suggesting that due to gay people doing against the bible or whatever religious book that they can refuse to server them but it means someone else will have to surve you.
I personally think its ridiculous and doing backwards, I'm hoping we don't see such blatant disregard for gay people over here.
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I remember in the UK when a B&B owner refused to let Gay people stay massive publicity given to the case.. They did it based on religious beliefs. Im sure it went to court and they Gay couple got found in favour and won the case - then if i remember rightly the B&B owners are now closing their B&B just so they can't ever have a gay couple turn up again. Its pretty lame!
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At least things are pretty good in the UK now
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Wolfpack Wrote:At least things are pretty good in the UK now
They're considerably better now and fortunately nowhere near a retrograde as Kansas. How can a country call itself civilized when this can be allowed to happen?
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I didn't realize it was Kansas but there was recently a law passed in Arizona and there was a huge protest from Arizona individuals and businesses and the governor vetoed it.
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There are a few of those bills up to be voted on in various states, Arizona vetoed it, but other states may actually pass it.
<<< It's mine!
It's not up to Obama to "allow" it, he doesn't have much authority over the laws individual states pass for themselves (and if he overrode it there'd be a huge backlash here that would likely make it worse). It's up to the courts...and they seem to be pretty good about declaring these laws unconstitutional, though it's a slow process.
In addition, you probably have no idea what fundies can get away with here. They like to say they're oh so persecuted but they're so powerful with millions of dollars at their command (from donations alone, sales multiply that amount, and I'm only counting the politically active groups rather than those just in it for the money), politicians cater to them (even Obama had a preacher who helped get the "kill the gays" bill passed in Africa pray at his first inauguration), and they get laws and measures like this passed due to their political clout.
Some of these groups enjoy respectability though the ONLY difference from Westboro, theologically speaking, is that they don't thank their god for dead soldiers. They have more protections that also allow for felony child abuse and have even been shielded from investigation by "religious exemption" laws when even a child died. In some states over half the voters believe the Earth is only a few thousand years old and that both evolution and climate change are a myth invented by liberals to justify "socialism" (in the US socialism is generally equated with Stalin and Hitler).
I know more than one foreigner who was shocked by how powerful fundamentalist Christianity was in the United States having no idea before they came here.
Still, their power is waning.
"It's not up to Obama to allow it " Pix -Even if this was a person of colour been discriminated against through law then Obama would do nothing too ?