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hello Everyone New Here
Welcome to the forum.

I found that nobody really cares who you sleep with, as long as you're happy. It makes it harder to come out, when you hear family say homophobic things, but they don't necesarily mean it to be so evil and might change their views if they knew you were gay. Alot of people only know the stereotypical queen gay and become much more accepting when confronted with the true normal gay.

In my opinion it's better to tell your familly than live in secret even if they not accepted you. At least you will know where you stand.

Make sure you get you're head around it all using forums like this help as you can mix with other gay guys and just socialising well. Once you feel comfortable with it yourself and feel you find yourself THEN start telling people.

Welcome btw!
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more.

Hi and welcome to gs Smile
This forum is all about advice,support and making friends so you have come to the right place for help.

Hello and welcome Smile

Coming out is something that you should only do when you're comfortable with doing so. Some of your close friends may already have an idea that you're gay and will probably be happy that you feel able to tell them. In my case I'm 'out' to my close friends, anyone who I meet through those friends, my cousin who is like a brother to me and I think my mum suspects but we've never really had the 'conversation', I haven't been in a really serious relationship - i.e. bring her/him home to meet the family kind of thing so it hasn't really come up as an issue so far. There are others in my family who I am afraid to tell because I know they're homophobic etc. and as for work - it's not their business as long as it doesn't affect my job which of course it doesn't.

My advice would be - tell someone you really trust first, your best friend, a sibling, someone you are really comfortable with. Then once you've done that you can begin to feel more comfortable telling others. Tell only who you feel comfortable with and then give them the time and space to digest the information if needed. Most people who really know you will simply shrug and move on with their lives, happy that you are able to be yourself.

You'll find lots of good people on the forum who will support and help advise you. Joining an LGBT group may also be a good thing, I never bothered when I was at uni, I was always too busy or in denial or just too damn scared. and it's something that I now regret so if you have access to one then I'd say go along and give it a try.

Good luck, my friend and remember there's no rush - just do what feels right for you.

Thankyou everyone. As I rread your posts I felt anxious, nervous, and I feel emotional right now. I think this icon is coolDvvico

Hi SQ,welcome to GS~ Welcome

I agree with Jaxx,come out to people you really trust. I came to term with me liking guys when I was 18,and I told my best friends first instead of my family. Well,first few people I came out turned out to be closeted gays themselves,who won't come out to me back (I was really dense at that time,they were OBVIOUSLY gay,LOL). Only few came out to me back. And now some of those closeted friends still think I don't know about them being gay,but whatever. Rolleyes Maybe I've chosen the wrong people to come out to,but it felt good to let others know of yourself and still being accepted.

As for family,well,they're very religious,and I am still dependent of them,so I'll be taking my time to come out to my family. I don't think I'm gonna come out to my relatives though,I'm not that close with them. My priority will be coming out to my sisters first once they come back for summer break from Egypt. Quite nervous since my older sister is almost as religious as my parents,and she IS studying religious study,lol. Wish me everything go well with them,and I wish the best to your endeavours too. Smile

Hello James and Welcome to GS! I completely understand your feelings. They remind me of myself a couple of years ago, when I was your age. Coming out is not an easy thing to do. But you managed with the hardest part of it - coming out to yourself. Now you have to pick the right people to come out to first and to decide how to do this. Take your time and do it when you feel ready and comfortable. And don't forget - joining this forum you are at right place for advice and support.

Hi Mate new here aswell

Welocome JWS

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