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Regarding anal sex
[COLOR="Purple"]I know this topic has been talked over and even debated several times, but I couldn't find a feasible answer to my worries, although most answers over my questions tend to very broad and general, they're not enough for the specific details.

Warning: read this story knowing the fact that it may be overly ridiculous regarding how absurd it may be, it may give too many details but it's also only to help you into adjusting your answers to a more realistic approach that is applicable.

Okay so here goes:
- First of all, we're not exactly together as of yet but we will move together in 4 months.
- Second of all, he's 18 and I'm 19, he's slim and I'm a bit chubby.
- Third of all, we're both inexperienced in sex, but we do have the theories and preparations all mentalized, or well at least I do but I'm the receiver so I'm cautious. (we're not exactly defined yet but we already established that I'd like to receive more and he'd like to give more)

Q => Assuming that you douched your anus and insides, that you've got enough water lube, condoms to keep going AND that there's little to no roughness, will DAILY (minimum of once a day) anal sex provoke enough damage to the rectum to the point of causing hemorrhage?
Q => Will it make you wear adult diapers?
Q => Will it take long for the rectum to re-shape itself into the usual tight circle that holds your needs? Or will it be too damaged?
Q => Will it stretch to the point of where it'll get used to more or will it get readily used to the penetration to the point of where you can be a little bit more rough or agressive?

That is all for now.
Delete this thread incase it's a repeat, I apologize incase it is and for the inconvenient spam it may be. [/COLOR]

Ruru Wrote:[COLOR="Purple"]I know this topic has been talked over and even debated several times, but I couldn't find a feasible answer to my worries, although most answers over my questions tend to very broad and general, they're not enough for the specific details.

Warning: read this story knowing the fact that it may be overly ridiculous regarding how absurd it may be, it may give too many details but it's also only to help you into adjusting your answers to a more realistic approach that is applicable.

Okay so here goes:
- First of all, we're not exactly together as of yet but we will move together in 4 months.
- Second of all, he's 18 and I'm 19, he's slim and I'm a bit chubby.
- Third of all, we're both inexperienced in sex, but we do have the theories and preparations all mentalized, or well at least I do but I'm the receiver so I'm cautious. (we're not exactly defined yet but we already established that I'd like to receive more and he'd like to give more)

Q => Assuming that you douched your anus and insides, that you've got enough water lube, condoms to keep going AND that there's little to no roughness, will DAILY (minimum of once a day) anal sex provoke enough damage to the rectum to the point of causing hemorrhage?
Q => Will it make you wear adult diapers?
Q => Will it take long for the rectum to re-shape itself into the usual tight circle that holds your needs? Or will it be too damaged?
Q => Will it stretch to the point of where it'll get used to more or will it get readily used to the penetration to the point of where you can be a little bit more rough or agressive?


Alright let's see if I can respond to all your questions one at a time.

First of all experience is acquired by practice. You can watch as much porn movie as you like and feel that it's almost like the performers are entering their manhood in a hole full of butter, so much it seems to slides easy. Well those, are movies, and the only part you see is the actual act, a bottom needs to prepare before passing to the act and that means that you're not going to let your boyfriend penetrate you without a good preparation otherwise it will be a festival of chocolate even though you believe to have douched properly. Porn performers will spend at least 30 minutes of intense cleaning, and yes sometimes they would cut scene so they can go relieving themselves if necessary. Don't be shy to ask your boyfriend to stop if you feel that it hurts or that you need to relieve yourself... anal enema doesn't clean the whole intestinal canal and while you're having sex, it may activate bowel movement. Remember that what you hate during the day takes 6 hours to be digested and reach the colon... so what you'll be cleaning may not even be what you have ate during the day (but most likely what you ate the day before.) Therefore, sodomy does contract and decontract the intestine which may creates an early bowel movement. (Well, you are specific and graphic... so am I hahaha. I'm a son and husband of doctors, so trust me I'm not chewing my words when it comes to biology).

On to your first question:

Quote:Assuming that you douched your anus and insides, that you've got enough water lube, condoms to keep going AND that there's little to no roughness, will DAILY (minimum of once a day) anal sex provokes enough damage to the rectum to the point of causing hemorrhage?

If this is truly your first time having anal sex, I seriously doubt that you will have anal sex daily. Besides, anal sex isn't the only thing to consider when having sex with your partner. Since you mention that you're both inexperimented, perhaps you should take this opportunity to discover the other erogenous area of your partner and vice/versa. Anal sex isn't the ultimate sex act in a gay relationship, many gays aren't into anal sex at all and yet they are very happy sexually. My husband and I may have anal intercourses, perhaps 3 times a week top... the rest is all caress, titillating of his erogenous area, edging and jerking. Your anus will not always welcome anal sex because a lot of factor gets in the way and one of them is often stress. Stop and think about it and listen to your body... When you feel nervous... have you ever noticed that your sphincter will contract and decontract... You don't even realize it. Now just imagine having anal sex in such situation where the day have been stressful. I can garantee that it will hurt you.

As for hemorrhage, well, there's many things that will depend. Some people have more fragile hole than others, could be hemorrhoids, and indeed continuous friction made by pounding an ass will indeed create some microscopic lesion which can be quite painful. Those are called hemorrhoids and if you continue on having anal sex while having hemorrhoids, it can get serious and bleed.

Quote:Q => Will it take long for the rectum to re-shape itself into the usual tight circle that holds your needs? Or will it be too damaged?

Your anus is a sphincter. Just like your mouth is. When you eat a very large hamburger, you need to stretch your mouth so it can take it. Now does your mouth come back to its initial since after you took a bite? Yes. So does your sphincter, it will come back to its initial shape even though your boyfriend has shoved his entire hand up your ass, it will reshape the very same way your mouth does. I'm sure like anybody else here you experienced taking a majestic dump and you thought that a tree was coming out of your ass... Well a few hours later your butt hole is back to normal.

Quote:Q => Will it stretch to the point of where it'll get used to more or will it get readily used to the penetration to the point of where you can be a little bit more rough or agressive?[/I]

I am not going to show you that. Because this, isn't this type of website... But some people including myself have been able to stretch their ass so it can take two huge dildo at once... I can also be fist fucked and yet I'm a very tiny dude. And there's a lot of abuse that my ass can take. But it's not something you do every day and before doing that it's almost an hour of preparation starting with a finger to a massive butt plug to a hand. So yes, if you are well prepared, yes it will be able to take more aggressive pounding... But do it right and listen to your body signal and learn to convey those signals to your partner as well. And if it hurts. STOP and relax. You certainly don't want to end up in the hospital and try to explain what you did to a proctologist LOL.

Quote:Q => Will it make you wear adult diapers?

Okay LOL I kept that one for last because I couldn't stop laughing... Adult diapers are for people with incontinence or Crohn's disease which are both gastrointestinal and urinary tract health issues. As an healthy 18 years old and 19 years old boys... Just don't rush into ripping off your asshole. It's not a race, it's you two wanting to sexually please each other. There will be no scores or final exam after you're done. So take it slow, and enjoy your sexual relationship.

[COLOR="Purple"]You are correct about many things, I had alot of them in mind actually, and yes I will try many things with my boyfriend ofcourse, I'm just the kind of person who wants to overthink and be ready of at least any activity that is dangerous and for that I thank you for all the information that you shared, I'm more than content over such a helpful answer in a short term.

My thanks guvnah.[/COLOR]

Ruru Wrote:[COLOR="Purple"]You are correct about many things, I had alot of them in mind actually, and yes I will try many things with my boyfriend ofcourse, I'm just the kind of person who wants to overthink and be ready of at least any activity that is dangerous and for that I thank you for all the information that you shared, I'm more than content over such a helpful answer in a short term.

My thanks guvnah.[/COLOR]

Your are most welcome Smile

Douching is not wholly needed.

Assuming you have solid (not constipated) stool, assuming you have a bowel movement on a regular basis and are not carrying around one in the chamber (holding fecal matter in the lower intestine leads to all manner of ailments - doing so occasionally is ok, not all the time).

Assuming you actually evacuate totally when you have your daily or twice daily constitutional, there is little to no fecal matter left in the rectum and lowest part of the intestine.

Your average partner is only going to have about 6 inches of dick - so you don't need to cleanse the whole lower intestine - you only need the first few inches, which includes the rectum and sigmoid colon cleaned out. That takes less than 2 minutes of 'cleaning' and that is only squirting a bit of cleaning solution (water plain water at that) - holding for less than a minute, then evacuating.

You don't need to aim to clean out the descending and/or transverse colons for penile penetration. Fisting - yes, definitely and you will spend about 30 minutes doing serious douching. But then you are wanting your guy to reach up inside of you and touch your voice box....

And since there is going to be a condom, you don't even need to do a simple rectum cleaning since the amount of fecal matter there isn't going to get through the condom and lead to interesting potential infections for your partner's penis.

I strongly suggest you get an illustration of the lower intestine and rectum (Google it) so you get an idea of what your innards look like.

As for hemorrhaging. Hemorrhage means:

an escape of blood from a ruptured blood vessel, especially when profuse.

- profuse bleeding is caused by rips and tears of a serious nature. There will, most likely always be micro scratches and tears. The average session lasts 7 minutes, and that often is a lot of friction. So spotting may take place - MAY doesn't mean it will. Most scratches don't seep sufficient amounts of blood for spotted stool. This means you most likely will have minor scratches and tears inside but not be aware of it.

Your sphincter muscles are muscles they can adapt and be strengthened. Interesting little trivial factoid, of the majority of mammal species, humans rank pretty high up there with the weakest sphincter muscles for its size. This most likely has to do with standing upright - a relatively new trick humans learned and have not fully adapted to, ergo the massive amounts of knee, hip and back injuries humans suffer from.

One can do anal exercises - Google it.

I know guys who are over 50 who have been fortunate to have regular anal intercourse most of their adult lives - the majority have less issues with their anus than guys I know of in their twenties.

Most anal issues like hemorrhoids is caused by straining. That is caused by improper diet and having constipation and trying to force shit out of yourself. Anal sex is about relaxing, not pushing out your partners penis as if you have been constipated for a week.

Prolapse is also another interesting myth folk like to throw out there. Straight men who are constipated are second on the list of anal prolapse, first is women given birth. That latter tells you its about pushing outward, not having something snug shoved up there.

Yes your anus and sphincter muscles can adapt to regular butt poundings. Back in the middle late 20th century when I was still having sex, I was rather amazed at how readily I adjusted to regular hard pounding anal sex. Considering the first few times it was way too tight, hurt and burnt a little. Regular sex lead to no burning/hurting and far more ease in the initial entry phase of opening phases of anal intercourse.

Fisting and taking dildos cast from inhuman monsters is another example of adaptability of the sphincter muscles and the whole lower intestine.

Laugh inhuman monsters Laugh
not to be confused with inhumane assholes!

Love the info post as always Borex! Xyxthumbs
Heart  Life's too short to miss an opportunity to show your love and affection!  Heart

Quote:Fisting and taking dildos cast from inhuman monsters is another example of adaptability of the sphincter muscles and the whole lower intestine.

[COLOR="Purple"]... For some reason this whole sentence just reminded me of dragon dildos and I'm pretty sure I'd be k.o.ed before it even got halfway in.

Thanks alot for the information though, really kind of you.[/COLOR]

Very cool thread, and nice to see the informative answers.

Here's a question that I've wondered about. I have been in a dry spell for a while, and during that spell, my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He's fine and in remission now. While he was in treatment, he had to take that powdered fiber stuff. When treatment was over, he stopped taking it, but it made me wonder....

If one takes this fiber stuff, does that make you cleaner inside and should you take it before anal?
[Image: 51806835273_f5b3daba19_t.jpg]  <<< It's mine!

The fiber in your diet DOES help clean the colon!!! The more the better. I would encourage natural consumption but in short, yep! Try this article for starters...
Heart  Life's too short to miss an opportunity to show your love and affection!  Heart

[COLOR="Purple"]I take golden fax for fiber since I cannot get anything else, current life situation isn't very helpful but once I move in with my partner things will get considerably better, or so I hope.

Oh btw here's another one:

Q=> How does the rear entrance behave inside the water incase you wanna do it there? (y'know, doin' it in a pool or beach or somethin')

Askin' that one because I imagined the water could become a problem of some sort but I ain't no pro in this matter at hand so... question given![/COLOR]

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