05-29-2014, 02:18 AM
TwisttheLeaf Wrote:Don't forget to smile. It doesn't have to be a huge smile but more like just something that tells them when you look at them that they make you feel.... good, happy, pleasant, interested, shy, etc.
Smiles and eye contact go a long way. Especially with people like me who are socially awkward to begin with. I will catch a smile and eye contact right away. Where something more blatant such as touching, teasing, etc might pass me right by unnoticed.
You're right - I'm the same way as you and would notice smiles and eye contact much easier than all those other things.
Oddly enough, asking to touch someone's hair is out of my cultural norm, where touching anyone at all isn't normal. LOL It's just some compulsion I have with gorgeous hair. I think that next time I will compliment his hair and see what he says.
Hmm the bit about feeling sexy, going with the flow, etc makes sense, especially when I consider that I don't have a lot in common culturally with most people around me. Or to put it in other words - I'm kind of on a different wavelength. That will change when I move next year. That doesn't mean I can't meet like minded people where I live (in the Midwest), it's just kind of difficult and I don't feel comfortable around many people. This is turning into a psychological dig for me. Crazy. Maybe I can learn a lot.