05-30-2014, 12:35 PM
What's on my mind? The gorgeous 35yo man sitting on my couch, waiting for me to come over to cuddle...the guy I just gave a 45 min massage to.,.,the guy I'm about to crawl into bed with. I'm really only typing this message right now to give him the excuse of why I'm not cuddling up to him on the couch. I told him I have to answer email, but really I just find him so beautiful that I don't feel worthy. Crazy thing is he and I have had this conversation, and his insecurities don't matter to me and mine don't matter to him. But here I am....delaying laying down with a fucking beautiful man....maybe 8 feet away from me....watching Arrow....waiting patiently for me to snuggle up to him because he thinks what I'm typing right now is something important. I don't know why I'm doing this....so I think I should just shut down my brain and turn off my insecurities. And laydown with this beautiful man who ---at the moment---is too stupid to realize he deserves someone way better than me.
Night folks!
Night folks!