Not enough. Nowhere near enough. I can continue striving, but it will never be enough.
I guess I'm a bit sex deprived, I've gotta endure this 7months of pure torture first then I'll get myself a lover lol
Lexington Wrote:Not enough. Nowhere near enough. I can continue striving, but it will never be enough.
What you striving for and why won't it be enough? =(
what I should read tonight after leaving the interwebz
new Carl's Jr near campus, gotta go there later after classes
had a lovely evening for my birthday - thx for the guys who posted too  ...I really did feel complete with my friends as we had a good time - plus my friends gf thought I was at least 10 years younger than I am lol - its the cod liver oil sweetheart I told her
Miles Wrote:What you striving for and why won't it be enough? =(
It's an unobtainable goal. What I posted was more of a reminder than anything else.
I have a very imperfect view of the world. I've only experienced so much, and seen so much, and read so much, and studied so much. And I guess that's true of everybody to some degree. I do try to branch out and get a bigger sense of things, but there's only so much I can do.
As such, when I'm confronted with an unfamiliar scenario, I tend to view it in context of the very-imperfect world view I hold. I tend to form an opinion based on that. And I guess, technically, there's nothing wrong with that, so long as I can remember that that's all it is: an imperfect opinion. I also notice that when people begin debating, I often find myself agreeing with whoever the last speaker is. "Yes, they have an excellent point." But I try to recall that I'm susceptible to that. "Well, both sides have valid points, and my gut feeling about it is such-and-such, although I may be ill informed here."
Sometimes, I fall into the trap of thinking that if I were smarter, I'd just instinctively KNOW. I'd KNOW which side was right and which was wrong. But that assumes that 1. this is a condition I can achieve simply by being smart, and 2. there IS a definable right and wrong in all these cases. I have to remember that there's nothing wrong with simply having "a not-entirely-well-educated hunch on what's going on", so long as I recognize that's all it is.
Lexington Wrote:It's an unobtainable goal. What I posted was more of a reminder than anything else.
I have a very imperfect view of the world. I've only experienced so much, and seen so much, and read so much, and studied so much. And I guess that's true of everybody to some degree. I do try to branch out and get a bigger sense of things, but there's only so much I can do.
As such, when I'm confronted with an unfamiliar scenario, I tend to view it in context of the very-imperfect world view I hold. I tend to form an opinion based on that. And I guess, technically, there's nothing wrong with that, so long as I can remember that that's all it is: an imperfect opinion. I also notice that when people begin debating, I often find myself agreeing with whoever the last speaker is. "Yes, they have an excellent point." But I try to recall that I'm susceptible to that. "Well, both sides have valid points, and my gut feeling about it is such-and-such, although I may be ill informed here."
Sometimes, I fall into the trap of thinking that if I were smarter, I'd just instinctively KNOW. I'd KNOW which side was right and which was wrong. But that assumes that 1. this is a condition I can achieve simply by being smart, and 2. there IS a definable right and wrong in all these cases. I have to remember that there's nothing wrong with simply having "a not-entirely-well-educated hunch on what's going on", so long as I recognize that's all it is.
Wow...this is something I've been feeling for a very very long time but have never been able to articulate it so well. I'll be sure to keep the last bit in mind - it's the period at the end of the thought that's been an ellipsis for too long.
ronan keating is so hotttttt!!!!
then it's decided I guess I'll date 30s men next
oh well, my older man fetish getting more severe lol
I really don't like winter
...but, but, there's Christmas to look forward to?