Thank you.
Well I'm your average 28 year old single gay who is an African Arab that happens to be born and raised in Belgium. I have only outed myself to my best (girl) friend two years ago and life started to treat me well. Since then I felt comfortable to talk about my sexuality to friends. (Considering a lot of my friends are muslims. My family however I never told them, I'm sure they know or have a feeling but as long as they don't ask, I wont tell..
I used to be a digital artist more so a 2D/3D digital designer (self-taught)
At age 17 I started to learn working with various programs like Photoshop, After Effects, Maya, 3Ds Max, etc..
But because my last job took over my life I barely found the time to start up my pc.
3 weeks ago I decided to quit because I found myself most of the time to be home for only 6h before going back to work (job was far from home and they couldn't (or wouldn't) transfer me). 2 weeks ago I finally found a 2 years education that works with programs I'm familiar with called Digital architectural drawing (not sure if it's the correct term in english) so without any hesitation I signed up and can start in september. For now I'm working parttime for my brother (again) as a sales representative untill I find a new job close at home that I can combine with my studies.
A fact about me?
I have the Da Vinci syndrome.