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Gay Relationships: The Top 10 Secrets of Successful Gay Daters
Gay Relationships: The Top 10 Secrets of Successful Gay Daters by Dr. Brian Rzepczynski, The Gay Love Coach

Dating can be like a roller coaster ride sometimes with its fun highs and frustrating lows. Ever wonder why some guys have more luck with the dating game than others? Ever contemplate what it takes to become more successful with men? Well, that’s a tricky business and there’s no scientific formula that will yield those positive results. I believe dating is partly luck and LOTS of preparation.

Part One of this article will count-down the first 5 out of 10 characteristics that are common to the profile of a successful gay dater.

The list goes on beyond this as well, but these qualities can provide a starting point for you to assess your possible strengths and weaknesses as a single gay man on the prowl for your Mr. Right and to develop goals for self-improvement that will maximize your efforts out on the dating scene.

Profile Of A Successful Gay Dater:
10. He lives a life that he loves with a clear vision of his future and is armed with self-knowledge and awareness.

It’s critical that you avoid defining your whole life around dating and finding a boyfriend. This is just one aspect of your life and you don’t want to neglect and avoid the other parts of your identity. Know who you are, what you want, and where you’re going in your life.

Develop a crisp, clear vision of how you want to be and the type of life you’d like to lead and succinctly define your personal values, passions, and life purpose and live according to them. Look and feel your best! And remember, “The Law of Attraction” states that like attracts like; what you put out there and show the world has the tendency to attract the same back to you---and that goes for dating too!

9. He knows his personal requirements and refuses to tolerate anything less.

The best defense that you can have in the midst of all those men to choose from is to know what your non-negotiable needs are; things you absolutely must have or absolutely cannot have in a relationship for you to be with that particular guy. This will help you weed through the potentials and the Mr. Wrongs. And don’t sway from your requirements, no matter how hot he is! You’ll be saving yourself a lot of grief in the long run.

8. He has a solid knowledge of what constitutes a healthy relationship.

Be aware of the ingredients of a healthy partnership. This can help you detect any red flags in your dating relationship that might be “deal-breakers” or areas that the two of you could work on together. Such qualities include each person having a strong sense of self with solid boundaries, open communication, flexibility, commitment, ability to have fun, capable of non-defensive conflict negotiation, having emotional connection and intimacy, affection, sexual compatibility, etc.

7. He has a strong support system, access to resources, and is comfortable being alone.

It’s important when your single to have a good friendship network going (they can be great match-makers sometimes) and have a circle of people in your life who support you and care about you. Additionally, become knowledgeable about the resources that exist in your community for LGBT individuals as additional components you can add to your network. And learn creative ways for coping with loneliness by utilizing this alone time for self-reflection, relaxation, and movement toward your personal goals and vision.

6. He has overcome a lot of the male socialization barriers that can interfere with relationship quality of life.

“Men are tough. Men don’t cry. Men don’t show emotions.”You know, all those mumbo jumbo messages all of us men, gay and straight, had to internalize growing up. These scripts that are supposed to define manhood limit our ability to live freely. As a result, many gay relationships tend to be highlighted by competition, status, power/control struggles, and lack of effective communication skills and expression of feelings.

Put two men together in a dating situation with the same socialization scripts, and these are relationship killers! Define for yourself what being a man means, develop comfort with your masculinity and gender, and don’t be held back by these prejudicial sanctions.

5. He has addressed any issues pertaining to internalized homophobia, feels a sense of acceptance and pride with being gay, and has overcome a lot of the gay stereotypes and myths that abound about gay men and dating.

Coming out isn’t for everyone, but the more accepting you are about your sexual identity, the greater quality of life you can experience. You don’t have to live a double life any more, you no longer have to lie or hide behind secrets, you can live with less fear and stress, and your self-esteem tends to be higher in most cases. It’s not an easy feat, however—there’s years worth of shame to work through, but for most people the journey is beneficial as they can then live more authentically and truly be themselves. Dating and relationships can be made difficult without a resolution to this, particularly if both men are in different places of the coming-out continuum.

Additionally, it’s important to counter any myths or stereotypes about homosexuality because these can be limiting as well. “All the good ones are taken.” “Gay relationships don’t work.” “All gay men want is sex.” “I have to be a stud to land a man.” “Guys will come to me.” If you believe any of these statements and the many others that exist, recognize these as misinformation that can be confusing and distort reality and work hard at challenging and defeating such negative self-talk so that they don’t get in the way of your goals.

4. He knows what dating means and how to do it instead of just having sex.

For many gay men, having sex and/or jumping into a relationship too early is a common phenomenon. Because of our homophobic society, we were never taught how to date, so gays don’t typically have pacing rituals or milestones like our straight counterparts do for dating. This, coupled with relief after years of isolation and having a strong need to feel loved/wanted/connected, fuels us to rush intimacy too quickly and establish premature connections without knowing more about the other guy. It’s important to build a foundation first as this helps us make good choices. Learn how to pace and slow things down by learning how to add courtship, flirting, and romance to the mix.

3. He is emotionally and physically available and ready for love.

Have the time and space to invite a person into your world. It will be difficult to establish a connection with someone if your time schedule is too booked up. Also be ready emotionally by ensuring you’ve resolved any baggage from your past or addressing any current personal issues that may distract you and sabotage your efforts at love. And most importantly, be yourself! Don’t be someone that you think he wants you to be. Don’t mold yourself around someone just to be in a relationship. You’ll end up resenting him and yourself for your dishonesty. Remember to live by your personal requirements and have your own individual identity.

2. He has a well-rounded repertoire of dating skills and knows how to use them.

Dating skills include such things as knowing where to meet men (pick venues aligned with your vision!), being assertive, having good communication skills, being able to initiate and maintain conversations, differentiating between guys who are cruising vs. serious dating candidates, knowing how to flirt, etc. The more developed you are in these types of skills, the more savvy and confident you will feel when in social situations and you’ll be more magnetic!

1. He is a go-getter and takes charge of his life. He makes things happen!

Nothing will happen in your life unless you take the proactive steps to make changes. This is not an easy task, especially if you’re shy or hesitant because of past efforts that didn’t work out, but you have to be the chooser and take risks. In most cases, things will not fall in your lap. You will need to do the work involved in making your vision become a reality. Whether it be combating procrastination or dealing with fears of rejection, conquer your anxieties directly. And do it NOW! The more you run or avoid anxiety, the stronger it gets. And don’t put your life on hold either. One man once told me, “I’ll start dating after I lose weight.” No! Live your life to the max now while you’re working on such goals. There’s no greater loss than postponing living your life.


So there you have it! Ten areas where you can assess yourself on the successful dater scale. Dating can be fun AND challenging, so the more prepared you are for inviting love into your life, the greater the chances of victory. Identify the strengths and weaknesses you may have from this profile and make a commitment to yourself to develop goals for improving up your weak spots and follow through with them. While it’s not foolproof, you will greatly improve your chances in the dating pool and you’ll also be strengthening your personhood in the process, adding more value and richness to your life. Your Mr. Right is out there. Now go get him!

This is great information. Especially as I find that internet dating sites are the only way I am meeting any gay gentlemen.

These tips will help me recreate my profile.

See if you can understand each other's humour easily. If so, you're a match.

I actually think this doesn't address the reasons why many men remain perpetually single.

Let's begin with number 9. The op states: "The best defense that you can have in the midst of all those men to choose from is to know what your non-negotiable needs are; things you absolutely must have or absolutely cannot have in a relationship for you to be with that particular guy. " It is an urban myth that there are "all (these) men to choose from." We are a minority and within this minority are even fewer men who accept their sexaulity. Many gay men head to the big cities because they feel like unicorns in small towns. Once there they try to order their dates online like they are ordering pizza. If anything I find the people who end up in relationships minimize their "non-negotiable needs". I am always amazed at the upfront compromises that relationship oriented guys make. For example, some are perfectly fine with dating someone they are not really attracted to and overtime are fine with being in a sex-less relationship. Others are okay being with someone they have great sex with but they have nothing in common with intellectually or culturally. Still others maintain destructive co-dependent relationships because it works for them. Ask yourself how superficial these non-negociable needs are before you set them in stone.

One of the biggest points missing in this list is how one handles rejection. Many people love someone until they are rejected and then they hate them. How you handle rejection says more about your well being than your so called hotness. I can't tell you how many times I've met guys who are all interested in dating me but have no interest in friendship. It baffles me that people can at one moment believe they have enough in common to date someone and the next moment be fine with tossing away a potential friendship when a mutual attraction isn't there. Being able to make something positive out of a rejection is not only important while dating but also good for building self-esteem.

I would also add that we need to be acutely aware that how much someone appeals to you physically is a huge distraction. We all want a sexually compatible partner but what about the guy that makes you so hot and bothered that you decide he is someone he is not. Two people who begin a relationship with a great deal of passion need to give it at least six months for the chemicals to subside and they can see the other party for what he is and not what they want him to be. On the other hand there is no reason why a friend with occasional benefits can't grow into something deeper. If you are lucky to find someone that you initially felt was "not your type" but with whom you grow increasingly fond of overtime then you probably have a keeper.

LOL...I had no dating skills and hated dating....period....and I wound up with four relaionships...one bad one...two nice ones...and one great one that has lasted almost 30 years....

The key for my "success"...try to avoid dates if possible and don't ever look for a relationship. I didn't. I didn't even go on dates unless I got sex right away....(I know.....ghastly these days...... but it is what it is)

My advice would be to spend as much time with them as possible.

Go out to eat. Go grocery shopping. Go the the Beach. Play board games. Do more than just sex. TALK.

Don't be one of those people where your contact with them is 1/2 hour in bed sexing, and everything else is through texting, e-mails, facebook, ...

If they don't want to spend that much time with you other than in bed, you'll know what they're after, and it isn't happily ever after.

East Wrote:The key for my "success"...try to avoid dates if possible and don't ever look for a relationship. I didn't. I didn't even go on dates unless I got sex right away....(I know.....ghastly these days...... but it is what it is)

this probably won't work for every guy but it's something similar for me. i don't know but i learn a lot about a guy and our compatibility from sex (and not just where sex is concerned). the way a guy communicates with you during sex, the way he lets you know his needs, the way he responds to you, that says a lot about his character. that physical connection between him and me is very important to me. and, sexual compatibility is a huge cornerstone of a long term relationship. no, sex isn't everything, but i can't imagine a relationship working if the sex doesn't work.

of all the guy's i've hooked up with and dated, the best connections were the ones with whom it was for purposes of sex initially or only. the worst were the dates. i tried that and i understood very quickly that it just wasn't my thing. might work for some, but i suppose the way i relate to people is just not that.

meridannight Wrote:this probably won't work for every guy but it's something similar for me. i don't know but i learn a lot about a guy and our compatibility from sex (and not just where sex is concerned). the way a guy communicates with you during sex, the way he lets you know his needs, the way he responds to you, that says a lot about his character. that physical connection between him and me is very important to me. and, sexual compatibility is a huge cornerstone of a long term relationship. no, sex isn't everything, but i can't imagine a relationship working if the sex doesn't work.

of all the guy's i've hooked up with and dated, the best connections were the ones with whom it was for purposes of sex initially or only. the worst were the dates. i tried that and i understood very quickly that it just wasn't my thing. might work for some, but i suppose the way i relate to people is just not that.

I just want to quote you...and kiss you for saying that.

I have heard people saying for years how "empty and meaningless" sex was outside of a relationship and I feel COMPELLED to represent the other POV so we don't all get brainwashed by the Bible......

I had sex with a lot of men and meaningless wasn't even on the list of things I felt.

It is the BEST way to get to know a man right away because it is hard to lie and you learn ALOT more about each other after you have f*cked.

Borg69 Wrote:My advice would be to spend as much time with them as possible.

Go out to eat. Go grocery shopping. Go the the Beach. Play board games. Do more than just sex. TALK.

Don't be one of those people where your contact with them is 1/2 hour in bed sexing, and everything else is through texting, e-mails, facebook, ...

If they don't want to spend that much time with you other than in bed, you'll know what they're after, and it isn't happily ever after.

East Wrote:I just want to quote you...and kiss you for saying that.

I have heard people saying for years how "empty and meaningless" sex was outside of a relationship and I feel COMPELLED to represent the other POV so we don't all get brainwashed by the Bible......

I had sex with a lot of men and meaningless wasn't even on the list of things I felt.

It is the BEST way to get to know a man right away because it is hard to lie and you learn ALOT more about each other after you have f*cked.

My experience has been a combination of both of these.

There really is no secret for me. I go with the flow and never come into an "encounter" (sexually or otherwise) with any expectations. Sometimes a chat over coffee or a day at the beach will lead to a whole lot of nothing...sometimes it will lead to much more...and there will be an instant connection. Sometimes the initial encounter is for sex, and it's pretty much "wham-bam-thank ya man" and that's it.....while sometimes it does open the door to realizing you have a lot of chemistry, and you end up in a longer-term relationship beyond sex.

My advice is to allow yourself (general "you") several different avenues with which to approach someone. Sometimes one can be pleasantly surprised.

I copied the OP for future wallpapering needs. Great info and really does 'tell it like it is!'

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