Even with the chat function gone,Frank cannot enter the site.
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Joined: Oct 2002
I'm a : Gay Man in a Monogamous Gay Relationship
Hey everyone,
Sorry, I've been busy with workies lately... today is my first proper day off in a LONG while! I even managed to get a long

The Chatbox was creating too much server load and causing IE to crash out. I couldn't pinpoint the exact problem (especially since Firefox and Opera browsers were working fine) so decided to take it off altogether... so sorry for its sudden disappearance if you were starting to get used to it!
That's weird about the guys still having problems accessing the site... everything should be running really rock stable now! I can even access it via my mobile phone!
Andy xox
Note: No trees were destroyed in the sending of this contaminant free message. However, I do concede, a significant number of electrons may have been inconvenienced.
I would blame it on the cache they've built up, and as before I would suggest running CClean to clear their IE cache.
I'm confused...
Are we talking about the little facebook rip off that doesn't work?
It's just downthere...
doing nothing
and looking ominous
No we are not. A few months ago there was a "shout box" on the home page. The introduction of that coincided with a lot of people, including me, having problems with the site. It was removed. I do not miss it.
Didn't realise i bumped an old thread.
It was on the little poll thing oyu see on the sidebar