Bhp91126 Wrote:That would be a first (so many goals in the opening game), so my guess would be 1:0for Brazil.
You make a point, but Brasil will start this with more confidence than usual (and they're pretty confident), so they will go straight forward, attack and probably some goals are going to happen! (or I hope so)
David3K Wrote:LOL, the typical excuse of the losers! Go play hockey (because really, what else can you do in freaking Canada?)
PD: I agree group G is gonna be killer: Portugal and Germany pass. Ghana and USA lose! It's gonna be fun to watch.
PD2: that link is really nice
You only wish your scrawny country"men" had either the balls, stamina, or testosterone to play God's game. :tongue: But nope...left to a game anyone with a garbage bin of duck tape/packing tape can make a crappy ball and start whacking it on any flat piece of the planet. Damn, don't even need to have an upper body to play that "sport" (and few --err no--soccer players do). But, it's great that you people who can't afford a real game (like baseball, rugby, football, basketball, hockey, lacrosse, field hockey, cricket, volleyball, golf, tennis, water polo, badminton, etc, etc) have something to occupy such an empty life.
yourname Wrote:You only wish your scrawny country"men" had either the balls, stamina, or testosterone to play God's game. :tongue: But nope...left to a game anyone with a garbage bin of duck tape/packing tape can make a crappy ball and start whacking it on any flat piece of the planet. Damn, don't even need to have an upper body to play that "sport" (and few --err no--soccer players do). But, it's great that you people who can't afford a real game (like baseball, rugby, football, basketball, hockey, lacrosse, field hockey, cricket, volleyball, golf, tennis, water polo, badminton, etc, etc) have something to occupy such an empty life.
Dayum you pack a punch.
Life's too short to miss an opportunity to show your love and affection!
Did anyone see that video in which David Beckham goes to the Brazilian jungle and not only do the native tribes not know him, but they don't even know what football is.
Go Argentina! Put those losers Uragay in their place, in the dustbin of history!! :biggrin:
Netherlands is my 2nd pick.
But really, it's barely a sport up here. We finally got a Vancouver team...some of them are hot. But no one cares about this in Canada (or the US, I don't think). I happen to live and work in "little Italy", so we get all the soccer fans from everywhere coming down to our 'hood because it's the only one that even shows these games. Most places in Vancouver/Canada, if you said "Fifa" to someone, they'd respond "gesundheit!", lol.