OMG! I'm frustrated right now. Some close friends have recently moved away to another state and now I'm kind of lonely. I've gone out and met some people but apparently I've pissed off one of the people I am hanging out with and he started spreading an untrue rumor about me. He was into me but I was really just looking for friends. We'd all be at a club and dancing and I'd find a cute guy and dance with him and then the person that I thought was a friend would whisper something in the cute guys ear and then the cute boy would just leave. I asked that person what he said and then he would say "nothing". Then we would all meet other people and this so called friend would whisper stuff in their ears and they would ignore me. I asked again and got"nothing". I finally took the hint and stopped going out or when I do I avoid that crowd. it turns out he'd been telling people that I am HIV positive and its not true at all. I really don't know what to do. I wanted to get out and meet people but now it seems that I have to watch out for a rumor that is pushing people away. I don't want to be alone but I also don't want untrue rumors being spread. I want to meet some new friends and be able to enjoy myself. What do I do?
Try going to a different club where your antagonist doesn't go?
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Go get tested. Get a written report. Confront him in front of a couple of his friends with it and say, "You have been telling people that I am HIV positive. Here is the proof that I am not. Where's yours?"
I bid NO Trump!
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Oh, and I like LJay's idea too...probably a better idea than mine.
that's so horrible !
but hey, if you're not like that, keep calm, the more you react the more they're gonna believe it.
Personally I would love to see you get the report and sue his ass so I could live vicariously through you....
I worked in a gay nightclub for 20 years and there are people who are toxic out there and they will do that and a lot worse for many reasons...or no reason at all. I remember one night this guy was looking at me with moony eyes all night and I wasn't really looking forward to telling him I wasn't interested but I didn't have to because this other guy wanted him real bad and so when he figured out the guy was into me I heard him tell him that he knew I had AIDS and I had infected lots of people....
I wanted to laugh really...I had never seen the guy before and I did not have AIDS or HIV...I was just glad he was doing my work for me. I guess wanting to laugh was the end result of hearing bitchy queens say all kinds of crap about me and everyone else for so many years...probably why I have zero tolerance for trolls now too...I got to see them every night in 3D. The other thing that was funny...he did it right in front of me though he probably thought I couldn't hear him...he was really horny for this guy and I kinda felt sorry for the other guy because I think he left with him.
Bottom line...there are a lot of sociopaths out there who have no conscience and they blend right in with everyone else. The problem is when you are on their radar or if you challenge them...they have endless tools of deception that we don't have and they can make your life hell so even if you do get the report can come at a high price sometimes with these people.
You could look at it as him having done you a favor so you take the power away from him and then go to different clubs. It is also nice that your rejected his sorry ass ...imagine what it would be like to have that guy in your life on a personal dodged a bullet there. It's your call though...the fatal attraction thing can be tricky business and walking away is sometimes the best plan unless you are prepared to go all the way with him.
Good luck