Glycerin soap and a clean terrycloth washcloth. GENTLE rubbing, not scrubbing removes all of the loose dead skin and other detritus of living in a a dirty, polluted world.
I'm 48 years of age and have nary a single wrinkle on my face. Which would be odd considering how I flat refuse to use masks, peels, exfoiliants, body scrubs and sunblock... Ok that last may be a mistake.
Actually its not odd. It is part genetics and part the fact that I don't go around stripping off sebum (natural skin oil) and the dead layer of skin which acts like a UV block to protect the new skin underneath.
And I have spent many a day in the sun in construction and gardening and am a white boy thus should be naturally prone to the ravages of sun exposure.
I refrain from processed foods, box meals, fast foods... I tend to use fresh raw ingredients and do the old timey thing of preparing and cooking my food from scratch. I also eat a diet composed 2/3rd of vegetable matter, with the last third being half meat and half carbohydrates (rice/grains).
I consume far less sugar than the average American Diet. So little that a candy bar gives me a sugar rush.
I have great hair too - So great that every-time I would go to the hair stylist (the ex insited on stylists, I was ok with barber shops) the women all want to touch it and there is always one saying she would kill for my hair....
That secret is that I don't shampoo daily, I don't use conditioner, I don't use hair care products, I don't bother with a blow dryer. On average I shampoo every third day. More in summer with sweating and all the dust and debris I pick up from my labors in in the yard.
Sebum is the body's natural body oil. It protects and lubricates the skin and hair. All mammals produce it, the chemistry changes from species to species. Most products (Shampoos, skin care etc) strip away that protective oil and then attempts to replace it with some other oil or moisturizer that isn't as effective.
There are 'experiments' being ran like this guy's: which is showing that a
healthy human being doesn't need all of those chemical products to be clean and healthy and still smell nice.