Hello, Bigfrank, and

to Gayspeak.
The fact that you're asking means you're undecided about this, and you're looking for affirmation. What you don't tell us is whether this man is you, or is someone you are contemplating dating. I suspect you are asking this for your own appendage.
I'm not taking the poll... it's a complex matter. It rather depends what you expect sexually speaking from this other man, if it is another man. It all depends on what you are able to do with it, if we are talking about you. Someone said it's not size that matters but how you use it.
In the first case, (another man's penis) what do you want him to do to you with his penis? Will it be compatible with your expectations? Do you love him enough to find other ways of compensating if it is too small? Are there any medical ways that he can gain a little length surgically and would he have it done? There are so many ways in which you can have a fulfilling sex life, and which don't necesarily involve a huge penis, that maybe you should ask yourself that. If you need length and girth, then just get a dildo, which, maybe might do the trick? Small can be beautiful after all. Are we talking about 2.5 inches flaccid or erect, anyway? Maybe he's a grower?
I keep augmenting this post as I see other things coming up... If you are the man with the small penis, what have you considered doing to meet other men's expectations? Have you learnt special skills? Are you honest about the size of your appendage? Do you think you need to get surgery to gain a few centimetres / inches? Shaving pubic hair, or keeping it trimmed short will give you extra visible length, for one thing. As others have said, what are you going to be doing in the relationship, topping or bottoming? A micro penis might only be a problem for that sort of activity. For the rest, it shouldn't be a problem, unless you're dealing with size queens.