03-06-2015, 11:01 PM
Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Soon it shall be the shower and drip drying with nothing but a towel on.... Soon... very soon... :tongue:
ooo, talk slower.

The weather is finally nice. 55F and sunny. I decided to walk to a record store that's a couple miles away. This place has a fairly good selection of 45s, even if the organization has never been their strongest suit. They have a couple hundreds of drawers that look like this, all with dividers for many artists.
![[Image: ls.jpg]](http://s3-media2.fl.yelpcdn.com/bphoto/fjwE7EYsvUmpD89hVqyMKA/ls.jpg)
Well, they used to, anyway. I got there, and saw they had torn all of that out. Nearly all the 45s are gone. Instead, there are about thirty or forty large boxes (each holding a few hundred) that simply say "New Arrivals - January 2015" (or the like) on them. No organization at all. I turned around and left.
