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12-30-2014, 08:20 PM
(Edited 12-30-2014, 09:03 PM by meridannight.)
Lexington Wrote:1. Is there a musician, movie, actor, TV show, etc that you simply don't "get"? I don't mean somebody or something in a genre you don't like, but in a genre you DO like? As in "Given everything else, you would think I'd be a huge fan of _______________, but I'm just not."
Nirvana. i never understood that music. back in high school a lot of my friends were into that and it did nothing to me. i still don't get what the fuzz is about.
Quote:2. What would your dream car be?
i already have a dream car. a Lamborghini. Aventador.
Quote:3. You can send yourself at age 12 exactly five words from your current self. What would those five words be?
nothing. i don't want to influence myself to do anything differently.
Quote:4. If you have a smartphone, what's the weirdest or most off-the-wall app on it?
i don't have apps on my phone. i use it to make phone calls.
Quote:5. What do you recall about your first exposure to porn - straight or gay?
i can't even remember my first exposure to porn.
1. what are some of the best childhood memories for you?
2. favorite men's clothing brand?
3. what does you bed look like (colors, fabrics, size, softness/hardness, etc)?
4. what do you think are some of the advantages of homosexuality over heterosexuality? (can be something entirely subjective or objective).
i for example think that in homosexual relationships the partners are more equal than in heterosexual relationships. i think that's an advantage. guys know what other guys are like, and a lot of the things are self-explanatory, where my heterosexual friends are forever left wondering about some of the most basic things that neither partner gets because they don't fundamentally understand the opposite sex.
5. what's your resting heart rate? (if you don't know it measure it).
1. Describe your dream home.
Ugh, this is tough. I've never gotten a tattoo because (as I like to say) "I don't even like having the same shirt too long". I like being able to change things around. So designing a "dream home" is nearly impossible, because whatever I really would love right now won't be what I'd really love five years from now...or even five months from now. So I might want an atomic ranch one...and then a log cabin...and then a ultra-modern apartment. Right now? I'd love a place that resembled the interior of a 50s-sci-fi spacecraft. Seriously. 
My dream homes DO tend to have some aspects in common, though. I love innovative use of space. Storage inside steps, recessed dressers, things like that. I've always wanted a hallway where the ceiling was made up of book"shelves" that could be pulled down from the ceiling. Hard to describe - I'd have to draw a picture or something.
I've seen this, steps as drawers. Brilliant use of otherwise unusable space. You can learn a lot about space utilization from boat and RV manufacturers.
I'm intrigued by the bookshelf ceiling. Please do draw it!
2. Have you met a celebrity? Was (s)he what you expected?
I've met a lot of celebrities. I've even befriended a few, and have their personal e-mails and phone numbers. (No, you can't have them.) Most are in the middling level - nobody huge. Most are in the music realm (Duran Duran, The Fray, Gary Numan, 3 Doors Down) or the comedy realm (Aisha Tyler, Chris Hardwick, Greg Behrendt, Joel McHale). They've all been pretty much what I expected. The only surprise I can think of was meeting Duran Duran. I was pictured Nick Rhodes (the keyboardist) as the quiet mysterious type, and Simon Le Bon as the loud fun-loving boisterous type. Nick ended up chatting with me for a long time about random stuff, whereas Simon simply stared/glared at me whenever I said anything. He literally didn't say a word to me.
Wow Gary Numan, there's a name you don't hear every day. I had a friend in HS who loved him. Do you have a or similar account anywhere? I think we have very similar music taste/history!
ShiftyNJ Wrote:I'm intrigued by the bookshelf ceiling. Please do draw it!
Maybe I can use online pictures to describe it.
OK, picture one of those book "sections". Now imagine it has books on the other side as well. (It probably does, come to think of it.) Now picture that "cube" of books hooked up to some sort....hydraulic set-up. So if you manipulated it in some way, it would drop down three feet or so, putting it within reach. Then, you could push it back up into the ceiling and "lock" it back in place. So the hallway ceiling would be made up of several of these.
Quote:Wow Gary Numan, there's a name you don't hear every day. I had a friend in HS who loved him. Do you have a or similar account anywhere? I think we have very similar music taste/history!
I actually assumed I'd never meet him. He was in the UK, and hadn't toured the US since 1982. But apparently he missed doing long tours, and decided to try touring the US once more, even if wasn't going to be a money maker. So I went and saw him in Boulder about a decade back. I managed to get backstage passes, and met him there. He was not very chatty, but he autographed my copy of his autobiography.
He actually moved to the Los Angeles area last year, and went on tour of the US again. I saw him in Denver, and again wormed my way backstage to meet him. He was MUCH friendly this time around - apparently, he's a lot friendlier if his wife is with him. (She's an odd duck but nice.) We chatted about the tour, and how weird US tours are. But apparently he was doing extremely well with this one.
I don't have a lastfm account. Just a ton of vinyl, CDs and mp3s.
1. what are some of the best childhood memories for you?
[COLOR="Red"]I lived an a German neighborhood in New York when I was a kid....they took me away from my violent mom and I bonded instead with my grandparents and I think of them as my dad was away in the Air Force and at college...and everyone in the neighborhood was German and so in the summer especially I would go down my block door to door...I was 5-6 years old...and they would give me the "orders" LOL for what stuff they wanted from their garden and I LOVED finding it and picking the best one for them....and then I would go get a reward which was either molasses or gingerbread cookie...or my favorite...a cucumber sliced with the skin off and a little salt on each piece.
I have a huge soft spot for older people with a German Accent to this day...I kinda regress a bit and I engage conversation because it is a happy memory for me and they make me feel like home.....listening to them is like music for me[/COLOR]
2. favorite men's clothing brand?
3. what does you bed look like (colors, fabrics, size, softness/hardness, etc)?
[COLOR="Red"]California King...very high thread count sheets and pillowcases...all shades of green as it is my favorite color...and teddy bears. I like teddy bears that are cute/masculine...they can't have any frilly stuff on them. I collect Steiff bears too but they aren't on the bed...I use my bears alot for pillows...they are perfect.
4. what do you think are some of the advantages of homosexuality over heterosexuality? (can be something entirely subjective or objective).
i for example think that in homosexual relationships the partners are more equal than in heterosexual relationships. i think that's an advantage. guys know what other guys are like, and a lot of the things are self-explanatory, where my heterosexual friends are forever left wondering about some of the most basic things that neither partner gets because they don't fundamentally understand the opposite sex.
I think the bond between two males is stronger than than the bond between a male and female. We have had many of our straight friends...the men...envy our relationship and they are vocal about it...we didn't solicit the info. They like the male companionship/bond and as one of them said to us..."I wish I was gay..except for the sex part"
5. what's your resting heart rate?
In the past 12 days...a low of 51 and a high of 59..I record it every day LOL
[COLOR="Blue"]Next Five:
1) Where are you most comfortable?
2) What turns you on more than anything else?
3) In a relationship...what do you bring to the table...the best thing you have to offer?
4) What do you think is the worst problem facing this world at the moment?
5) If you had one do over...what would it be?....or would you decline?[/COLOR]
1) Where are you most comfortable?
Relaxing on the couch with some favorite music playing. Or on a sunny beach.
2) What turns you on more than anything else?
This one's tough. For instance, there's one guy I had sex with where 69ing was the hottest thing imaginable. But with another guy, nothing was hotter than him lying naked on top of me, making out, with my hands playing with his ass. So there doesn't seem to be any one "thing" that turns me on any more than any other. So instead, I'll answer "having sex with a guy and finding out what the hottest thing with HIM is".
3) In a relationship...what do you bring to the table...the best thing you have to offer?
If I had to guess, it's a sense of stability. I tend to be pretty unflappable even in an emergency. Even when things seem to be going to hell, I'm there saying "OK - given this, what needs to be done? What's the next step?" Not necessarily something that's needed all the time, but apparently it's VERY welcome when it IS needed.
4) What do you think is the worst problem facing this world at the moment?
I guess I'll take the longview and say "short-sightedness". We tend to worry about our own individual wants and needs, with little thought as to the ramification beyond our nation, our state, our city, our neighborhood...hell, beyond our room.
5) If you had one do over...what would it be?....or would you decline?
I do wish I'd figured out my sexuality earlier...and gotten an earlier start on it. College was something of a sexual buffet that I never got to indulge in. I can't say as I regret not taking part, per se - I'm quite happy with the way things turned out - but yeah, I'd like to have a crack at that.
1. What song do you want played at your funeral?
2. Assuming you have no work or other commitments the next few days, what time do you go to bed, and when do you get up?
3. What's the most embarrassing book/song/album/DVD in your collection?
4. Is there a sexual kink that, given a chance to explore it completely safely and anonymously, you'd like to try?
5. If you could magically learn a (non-commercial) skill - speaking a language, playing an instrument - what would it be?
Posts: 5,587
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Joined: May 2014
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Starsign:  Gemini
1. What song do you want played at your funeral?
honestly, I don't give a rats ass about my funeral. They are for the living, so I'm leaving those arrangements with them. I won't be around to hear whether the play Mozart or Mambo.
2. Assuming you have no work or other commitments the next few days, what time do you go to bed, and when do you get up?
Not working again until the 5th, but I'm keeping normal sleeping hours. Going to sleep between 10:30 and 11:00 pm
3. What's the most embarrassing book/song/album/DVD in your collection?
I'm not embarrassed by anything I enjoy, so I proudly proclaim that I enjoyed the Twilight books and movies, I've had CDs with Disney songs years and years before moving to Orlando and listened to them in the car with my windows open.
4. Is there a sexual kink that, given a chance to explore it completely safely and anonymously, you'd like to try?ugh, I'm really not kinky, so I'm happy to indulge someone else's kinks (within limits), but I have no deep, dark desires that are left unfulfilled. The best I can say here is that I'm a little curious about bondage, but if I never do it, that's perfectly fine.
5. If you could magically learn a (non-commercial) skill - speaking a language, playing an instrument - what would it be?I'd love to be able to sing and play the piano. Hubby is so talented, sings in 2 choruses and I wish I could do these things with together with him. My singing clears rooms, so it's reserved for when I'm by myself.
1) why do you look forward to the weekends?
2) the man of your dreams appears to be interested in you. What's going to happen?
3) do you have a plan for the rest of your life? Why or why not?
4) spill! What was your favorite sexual encounter ever and what made it so special?
5) your GS-friends: real friends or not? Why?
Being gay is not for Sissies.
1. What song do you want played at your funeral?
At Your Funeral by Pinhead Gunpowder
2. Assuming you have no work or other commitments the next few days, what time do you go to bed, and when do you get up?
Go to bed around 2:00 am. Get up around noon.
3. What's the most embarrassing book/song/album/DVD in your collection?
Turn the Radio Off by Reel Big Fish CD
4. Is there a sexual kink that, given a chance to explore it completely safely and anonymously, you'd like to try?
Muscle worship.
5. If you could magically learn a (non-commercial) skill - speaking a language, playing an instrument - what would it be?
Be able to read and understand Japanese.
Posts: 5,587
Threads: 10
Joined: May 2014
I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Starsign:  Gemini
Since Bortie, ^^^ didn't post any questions I'll fill in mine, which were here first anyway! 
By 3 min!!!
1. What song do you want played at your funeral?
honestly, I don't give a rats ass about my funeral. They are for the living, so I'm leaving those arrangements with them. I won't be around to hear whether the play Mozart or Mambo.
2. Assuming you have no work or other commitments the next few days, what time do you go to bed, and when do you get up?
Not working again until the 5th, but I'm keeping normal sleeping hours. Going to sleep between 10:30 and 11:00 pm
3. What's the most embarrassing book/song/album/DVD in your collection?
I'm not embarrassed by anything I enjoy, so I proudly proclaim that I enjoyed the Twilight books and movies, I've had CDs with Disney songs years and years before moving to Orlando and listened to them in the car with my windows open.
4. Is there a sexual kink that, given a chance to explore it completely safely and anonymously, you'd like to try? ugh, I'm really not kinky, so I'm happy to indulge someone else's kinks (within limits), but I have no deep, dark desires that are left unfulfilled. The best I can say here is that I'm a little curious about bondage, but if I never do it, that's perfectly fine.
5. If you could magically learn a (non-commercial) skill - speaking a language, playing an instrument - what would it be? I'd love to be able to sing and play the piano. Hubby is so talented, sings in 2 choruses and I wish I could do these things with together with him. My singing clears rooms, so it's reserved for when I'm by myself.
1) why do you look forward to the weekends?
2) the man of your dreams appears to be interested in you. What's going to happen?
3) do you have a plan for the rest of your life? Why or why not?
4) spill! What was your favorite sexual encounter ever and what made it so special?
5) your GS-friends: real friends or not? Why?[/QUOTE]
Being gay is not for Sissies.
1) why do you look forward to the weekends?
More spare time to do things - from chores to hobbies. During the week, I have to plan on a very limited timeframe to get stuff done.
2) the man of your dreams appears to be interested in you. What's going to happen?
It'll probably take place in the bedroom, if that's any help.
3) do you have a plan for the rest of your life? Why or why not?
My current plan is "do what you're doing as long as you can". Once I can't, I have some ideas on what I'd like to try.
4) spill! What was your favorite sexual encounter ever and what made it so special?
I had met a guy online. We had gotten to know each other over the course of a year or so. Eventually, the online discourse occasionally became sexual. Not always, just sometimes. We used to switch our avatars to something more...risque...when we were in the mood. When we both did, we would act out a sexual encounter via text. We were both good enough at it that that was sufficient for us for a few years.  Occasionally we'd send photos or even cam, but generally, it was text.
It finally came to pass that I was going to be in his town for an event for a long weekend. I asked if he wanted to meet up and have sex, and he agreed. Both of us were a bit hesitant to do so - after all these IM encounters, would real-life sex be a disappointment? We met at a restaurant and had a desultory conversation. I remember thinking "Shouldn't I be....hornier?" We finished dinner, and went back to my hotel room. Neither of us seemed that excited, and I briefly mulled over calling it off. But we sat down on the bed, and I leaned over and kissed him.
...and suddenly, everything ramped up beyond belief.
It's tough to explain. But as hot as everything was, nothing was hotter than just making out with him. I spent a very large part of that weekend naked with him lying on top of me, my hands playing with ass cheeks. And although we tried (and enjoyed) all sorts of positions, that's what position I was in for every single one of my orgasms that weekend.
Unfortunately, we haven't had a chance to get back together since. We've both decided it's going to happen in 2015, though. Naturally, greatly looking forward to that.
5) your GS-friends: real friends or not? Why?
I'm still a bit of a newbie, so that might be an obstacle to calling them "real" friends. But I certainly don't consider my online friends inferior to my real-life ones. The relationships are different, definitely, and I don't necessarily think all of the friendships would translate into real-life. I'd say it's a semantic issue whether or not to call them "friends".
1. What was your favorite book growing up?
2. (Unless the subject is too painful), what was the worst sexual encounter you had?
3. What's one supposedly "fun" activity that you have absolutely no interest in doing?
4. Your most and least loved subjects in school?
5. Any embarrassing celebrity crushes?
1. What was your favorite book growing up?
As a kid -- any book about animals or distant places. As a teen -- any book about sex of any sort.
2. (Unless the subject is too painful), what was the worst sexual encounter you had?
Getting talked into a 4 way. Two minutes into it I knew it was a mistake. It's just not my style.
3. What's one supposedly "fun" activity that you have absolutely no interest in doing?
Polar bear plunges. People try to get me to do it every year.
4. Your most and least loved subjects in school?
Most = history and Latin. Least = all math
5. Any embarrassing celebrity crushes?
I'm not embarrassed about them.. but yeah I have a few.
1. What things have you collected, coins, stamps, body parts?
2. What's the most illegal thing you've done that you can admit to?
3. How do you feel about fur coats?
4. What's the most exotic o bizarre place you've been?
5. Worst injury or disease you've had? (Bone us question -- did you survive?)