1. Any New Years' resolutions you intend/realistically think you will keep?
- Studying and Learning. They will never die. Since they are everything in my life and I can't lose them.
2. Last time you had sex?
- Never have sex.
3. Last great book you read, and why you loved it?
- The giving tree. This is a present from my best friend, and it's very meaning full.
4. If money were no object, and if you could choose to live anywhere in the world, where would that be, and why?
- Greece. That is my favorite country of all time. I just want to be there forever.
5. Have you ever seriously considered doing drag, and if so, what would your drag name be and what sort of queen (campy, glam, high-fashion, etc.) would you be?
- No, never, not even think about that!
1. Have you experienced unrequited love before?
2. Your bestfriend stole your boyfriend, what would you do?
3. What's your favorite actor of all time?
4. You lost everything, but there is one thing which you always keep close by your side, and that is...?
5. What's your favorite food?
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Hopefulrefrain Wrote:1. Have you experienced unrequited love before?
Quote:2. Your bestfriend stole your boyfriend, what would you do?
'stole' rarely works in human relations like that. you can't force someone to be with you, or 'steal' them. if my partner and my best friend hooked up, and unless i have reason to think that my partner is not acting out his own free will, i will have to let him go.
Quote:3. What's your favorite actor of all time?
don't have a single favorite actor. have several i like a lot.
Skeet Ulrich -- fucking HOT. (he's talented too). HOT HOT HOT!!!!
Billy Bob Thornton
Dennis Quaid -- again HOT!! i'd do him. (also, if you haven't seen Far from Heaven, watch it, his only ever gay role i'm aware of. he does a high quality job of it too).
Quote:4. You lost everything, but there is one thing which you always keep close by your side, and that is...?
why did i lose everything? to what? a fire? apocalypse? how can i lose everything but willingly keep some one thing? i'm for real life realistic scenarios, not abstract ones like this one.
Quote:5. What's your favorite food?
1. name some of the favorite male voices you think are sexy/enjoyable. can be actors, solists, but should be public life figures so i can understand what you mean. (i like Sting's voice for example, and Dennis Quaid's).
2. something from the time you were growing up that people your age get but others tend not to?
3. what kind of weather do you enjoy most? (i like hot and cloudy a lot, for example)
4. do you collect anything?
5. name something from the last time you had sex that you really enjoyed. (can be something that occurs regularly, or maybe something that was out of the ordinary, or something you just noticed, little thing or a big thing, anything. but make it from the last sexual encounter you had).
Posts: 5,587
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I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Starsign:  Gemini
1. name some of the favorite male voices you think are sexy/enjoyable. can be actors, solists, but should be public life figures so i can understand what you mean. (i like Sting's voice for example, and Dennis Quaid's).
Barry White
2. something from the time you were growing up that people your age get but others tend not to?
I don't understand the question
3. what kind of weather do you enjoy most? (i like hot and cloudy a lot, for example)
Cool sunny morning
4. do you collect anything?
5. name something from the last time you had sex that you really enjoyed. (can be something that occurs regularly, or maybe something that was out of the ordinary, or something you just noticed, little thing or a big thing, anything. but make it from the last sexual encounter you had).
Kissing a lot
1) what do you think of one-word answers in a thread like this?
2) what do you need to get closure after a failed relationship?
3) Star Wars or Star Trek? Why?
4) a friend asks you to go with him to a gay bath-house, because he's afraid to go alone. What is your reply?
5) first time living away from home. How did it go? (Still at home? What is your dream scenario?)
Being gay is not for Sissies.
1) what do you think of one-word answers in a thread like this?
I would love to get away with one word answers if I can convey what I feel in one word....I think I talk too much and would love to talk less LOL
2) what do you need to get closure after a failed relationship?
Simple...own my part in it. Don't blame the other person....it ALWAYS takes two to tango. I practice what I preach...and with excellent results....
3) Star Wars or Star Trek? Why?
Star Trek...it was cutting edge at the time and I was hooked on it...
4) a friend asks you to go with him to a gay bath-house, because he's afraid to go alone. What is your reply?
Uh...I had this happen actually...and I went...twice. If it was a good friend today I would probably go and sit in the lounge and read a book LOL
5) first time living away from home. How did it go? (Still at home? What is your dream scenario?)
Not so good...I ran away and learned that older guys who "just wanted to help me understand myself" were a bunch of f*cktards. I trusted them...and learned not to...so in a way...they did me a favor and saved me a lot of angst in the future. I would have had to learn the same thing in maybe a much harder way eventually. It mostly just hurt my feelings ...but I got up...dusted myself off...and went on to not accept lies from people in the future...and it has served me well.
1) One food you could eat every day for at least a year?
2) Best thing about you that most people don't know?
3) What movie have you watched more than any other?
4) Is crying a sign of weakness or strength? Why?
5) What trait do you find most desirable in a mate?
Posts: 15,397
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Joined: Jun 2014
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Starsign:  Aries
1) One food you could eat every day for at least a year?
Probably fried potatoes, or rice I cook myself.
2) Best thing about you that most people don't know?
I pave my way into the worst and bring out the best from it.
3) What movie have you watched more than any other?
Mmm I don't think I've even watched a movie twice, I don't like movies that much.
4) Is crying a sign of weakness or strength? Why?
Depends... crying in a hostile place is a sign of weakness. But crying alone or with someone loved and trusted is a sign of strength. A strong person knows how and when to burst their emotions, how to control them, and how to avoid resulting self-damage.
5) What trait do you find most desirable in a mate?
His real smile, and a loving heart who hides his feelings. I definitely don't trust people who excessively say good words to me.
[COLOR="Blue"]1_ When was the first time you boarded a plane? How did you feel?
2_ Did you ever blame yourself for the misdeed of others?
3_ If you had the power to kill somebody and get away with it, would you do it?
4_ Justice or equality?
5_ What is the one thing in you that you will never change?[/COLOR]
1_ When was the first time you boarded a plane? How did you feel?
I was just a few months old myself, so I don't remember, to be honest.
2_ Did you ever blame yourself for the misdeed of others?
[B]I can't think of an occasion, but I suppose we can blame ourselves collectively for wrongs done to others.
3_ If you had the power to kill somebody and get away with it, would you do it?[/B]
[B]I hope I wouldn't be so tempted.
4_ Justice or equality?[/B]
[B]Equality, probably which means that probably justice would be meted out in the best way possible.
5_ What is the one thing in you that you will never change?
The way I think. It's precious (to my mind).
1. Which country would you like to visit that you haven't already visited and why?
2. How would you employ the rest of your days if you knew you were about to die on the last day of that time span (let's say 6 months?) ?
3. Considering that sex and chocolate are pleasures most people enjoy, what would be your third (possibly a better one) option? Explain a bit.
4. Capital cities I'd like to live in ? Why so?
5. Anyone for tennis ? Talk about one of your hobbies.
1. Which country would you like to visit that you haven't already visited and why?
Netherlands/Holland, I want to stay aboard the restored SS Rotterdam for a night or two, see what ELSE Amsterdam has to offer ;-)
2. How would you employ the rest of your days if you knew you were about to die on the last day of that time span (let's say 6 months?) ?
Move myself, my dude and my parents to somewhere on the shore, spend as much time in nature as I was able, write if I was able, just spend time with them.
3. Considering that sex and chocolate are pleasures most people enjoy, what would be your third (possibly a better one) option? Explain a bit.
I'd put good, genuine conversation in that category.
4. Capital cities I'd like to live in ? Why so?
Paris (temperate, walkable, good food) Reykjavik (for the summer anyway - nightlife, surrounding nature), DC (good transit, food, nightlife, culture, walkable, access to ocean-ish) Raleigh, North Carolina (you didn't say a national capital! (people, architecture, surrounding countryside, access to ocean-ish)
5. Anyone for tennis ? Talk about one of your hobbies.
I like the history of long-distance passenger transportation (ocean liners, aviation, railroads). My whole office is Pan Am memorabilia and our living room has the ship collection. I have traveled to see many of the remaining ocean liners that still exist (SS United States, NS Savannah, SS Great Britain, RMS Queen Mary, etc.) and hope to visit the SS Rotterdam next as mentioned above. There is supposedly hope that the United States and the QE2 to be restored as hotels/museums, but I'll believe it when I see it.
- I'm headed to your town for dinner, what are we having? Are you cooking or taking me to a favorite place?
- Drag show or go-go boys?
- Do you have an opinion on whether gay bars should permit hetero bachelorette parties, or under what circumstances?
- Do you think pot should be legal?
- What is your favorite season and why?
1. I'm headed to your town for dinner, what are we having? Are you cooking or taking me to a favorite place? It depends on our relationship! Likely if you're an old friend or family, we'll go somewhere great, and Minneapolis has a lot of awesome food to offer.
2. Drag show or go-go boys? Definitely a drag show! I love drag queens, love the atmosphere, and seeing go-go boys would only make me think of how single I am.
3. Do you have an opinion on whether gay bars should permit hetero bachelorette parties, or under what circumstances? Not really. It's their business, and they should be able to hold whatever events they'd like, within reason. Nothing wrong with the straight community getting to know us better.
4. Do you think pot should be legal? Yes, definitely. Though I hate the smell.
5. What is your favorite season and why? Winter. It's so cold that it makes you feel alive. Or spring? balmy 70 degrees and flowers everywhere.
1. If you could master one skill you don't currently have, what would that be?
2. What is your alcohol of choice? If you don't drink alcohol, what is your virgin drink of choice?
3. Best childhood memory?
4. Pick an anti-gay politician you'd most want to have drinks with. And no cop-out by saying none. (i.e., I love me some Sarah Palin, even though she's bat-shit crazy. Girl would be FUN at a bar)
5. Would you be ok with being single for the rest of your life?
1. If you could master one skill you don't currently have, what would that be? Being an amazing kisser. 
2. What is your alcohol of choice? If you don't drink alcohol, what is your virgin drink of choice? Hmmmmmm, lets see. I tend to like fruity drinks but I always have a soft spot for Long Island Ice Tea.
3. Best childhood memory? Hanging out in back of the restaurant my single mom worked at. The owners would make me my own pizzas and let me do whatever I wanted. It was also in my hometown, which I miss dearly.
4. Pick an anti-gay politician you'd most want to have drinks with. I don't really follow politics but, Mitt Romney always interested me. He definitely seems like he can handle his alcohol and would be a awesome guy to just get drunk with.
5. Would you be ok with being single for the rest of your life?
It might sound shallow, but hell no. I have way to much love to just keep cooped inside of my own body. And this isn't the type of love that can be shared with family or friends. My dream is to find the one, marry him, and grow old with each other <3. It's cliche but it's my dream! Hahah
Awesome questions. Now it's someone else's turn. *Evil laugh*
1)First car? And be specific. Some of us really know cars
2)Do you keep a daily journal? If so, since when? If not, would you ever consider it?
3) Ever have those dreams that are just a continuation of the one you had before, just like it? What are they about?
4) Best memory from last summer?
5) If you could have the choice of having sex in a plane, train, or automobile, which one would you choose? Why?
Challenging questions, Yosuke.
Great answers, Shifty.
Good evil laugh, SHOman... and good questions too.