1)First car? And be specific. Some of us really know cars mile:
1978 Ford Fairmont. It was such a piece that it had no Ford marques anywhere on it. It was also narcoleptic and would die for no apparent reason and not restart for hours, then mysteriously start right up.
2)Do you keep a daily journal? If so, since when? If not, would you ever consider it?
Yes, since 2001. I was lax about it for a while and am now kicking myself because I really find it helpful to go back and read it later, and I have a big gap at a time when it would have been really helpful.
3) Ever have those dreams that are just a continuation of the one you had before, just like it? What are they about?
No but I have had dreams on a similar theme, sometimes years later.
4) Best memory from last summer?
Had a great Saturday where I took my paddleboard out solo for the first time and didn't fall in, had dinner on the boardwalk with a buddy then went to a great concert.
5) If you could have the choice of having sex in a plane, train, or automobile, which one would you choose? Why?
On a train. Trains have private compartments with beds.
1. Best concert or theater experience?
2. What is your perfect sleep environment?
3. Sweet, sour, salty or spicy? Why?
4. Do you know your Myers-Briggs type and/or do you think it's an accurate way to type personality?/
5. Which Golden Girl are you and why?
SHOman93 Wrote:Answers:
Awesome questions. Now it's someone else's turn. *Evil laugh*
1)First car? And be specific. Some of us really know cars 
2)Do you keep a daily journal? If so, since when? If not, would you ever consider it?
3) Ever have those dreams that are just a continuation of the one you had before, just like it? What are they about?
4) Best memory from last summer?
5) If you could have the choice of having sex in a plane, train, or automobile, which one would you choose? Why? Evil answers:
1) A Reno 4 (that's a foursome in Nevada, but with a quick divorce at the end, and a bent back door...
2.The only time I can remember keeping a journal was when I was in the army. I wrote it and sent it to my girlfriend. I was trying to conjure up the straight man in me. The army didn't manage to change my orientation, or put hair on my chest. Go figure!
3.On the same night or two consecutive nights? I don't have recurring dreams, but I have got out of a dream, woken up, gone for a pee, gone back to bed and started dreaming about the same thing again... I didn't control the rest. Oh wait? Did I dream that I had woken up or did I just pee in bed?
4. I won't be too evil on that one : my partner's daughter's wedding probably, but also the many occasions we had to make and listen to music, and all the great food we had.
5. Done the sex in an automobile thing, so maybe train. I think it's very public but maybe a sleeper car? As for planes, there's no privacy and definitely no space. My partner hate flying so it might impair his ability to perform.
1. What's the most stupid thing you've been asked?
2. What's the most intelligent thing you've been asked?
3. Whales or dolphins? Expatiate.
4. Are you a morning person or an evening person? Explain how you lead your life.
5. Practical or air-head?
6. My questions or Shifty's questions ^^^ ???? Am I making a nuisance of myself by adding a sixth question to decide from?
princealbertofb Wrote:My questions or Shifty's questions ^^^ ???? Am I making a nuisance of myself by adding a sixth question to decide from?
They can pick, I guess, or use yours since I just posted questions earlier.
I feel like this was bound to happen sooner or later. Or should I be flattered because everbody just loved my questions so much?  lol
I'll just answer prince's so someone else can answer shifty's
P.S., nice first cars y'all.
1. What's the most stupid thing you've been asked?
-Since I'm at lifeguard, I had one lady ask the other day "Are you a lifeguard?" "Yes, ma'am. For about 2 years now." Then she asked, "Do you know how to swim?" -_-
2. What's the most intelligent thing you've been asked?
"Like, what is the universe? I mean, what are we? Are we just figment of someone's imagination? Or are we actually here?" That question still haunts me for an explanation......lol
3. Whales or dolphins? Expatiate.
Whales. There just so many kinds. And hell, there is even one called a Sperm whale.......I leave it with that........
4. Are you a morning person or an evening person? Explain how you lead your life.
OMG, I'm totally a night person. I love going out with friends at night and doing fun things at night. It will literally be 10 30 at night and I'll have the sudden urge to clean my entire room. Then I'll go downstairs, go in the garage and have the sudden urge to vacuum the inside of my car. If I could do everything I night, I would!
5. Practical or air-head?
I'd like to think that I'm really practical but even the small amount of dirty blonde in my hair makes me a space cadet. My dad played a joke on my once by changing the color of the radio screen in my car from blue to hot pink. It took me like 10 days to realieze it.......
My questions:
Please see Shift's below<3
1. Best concert or theater experience?
2. What is your perfect sleep environment?
3. Sweet, sour, salty or spicy? Why?
4. Do you know your Myers-Briggs type and/or do you think it's an accurate way to type personality?/
5. Which Golden Girl are you and why?
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01-07-2015, 10:34 PM
(Edited 01-07-2015, 10:59 PM by meridannight.)
1. Best concert or theater experience?
i've had a fair share of best concert experiences. the recent ones tend to be more remarkable to me though. right now i vividly remember OneRepublic's concert i went to in November. Tedder is amazing to watch on stage. the whole show was top quality. the way the band/performer relates to the audience and the way they carry themselves on stage heavily influences how enjoyable the concert/performance is, much more so than the quality of music (exception being classical music). and OneRepublic/Ryan Tedder pulls it off. they belong on the stage.
(edit: ) with Tedder, i liked how at ease he was during the whole show. it was obvious he felt at home there, and it was enjoyable to see that. he also has this silliness to him, that was the cutest thing in the world. not a lot of famous names show such a side of them, and it made Tedder all the more human. i loved it.
so i'd say OneRepublic has been my best concert experience. i'm gonna see them again in June. can't wait.
and i don't go to theater.
Quote:2. What is your perfect sleep environment?
complete darkness. i can't sleep in the light.
Quote:3. Sweet, sour, salty or spicy? Why?
salty. why? pasta.
Quote:4. Do you know your Myers-Briggs type and/or do you think it's an accurate way to type personality?/
i don't have an MBTI type. nothing corresponds to me there. i've also taken a couple of tests and on one of them the result actually was ''your MBTI type is unclear''. lols. completely accurate though.
Quote:5. Which Golden Girl are you and why?
had to look it up. i don't read comics.
1. name a few (at least 3) books that you have in your library. author+title.
2. it's 9 pm sunday night. what are you likely doing?
3. what's your favorite outdoors activity?
4. when was the last time you were in a physical confrontation/fight? and how did it go?
5. what is under your bed?
1. name a few (at least 3) books that you have in your library. author+title.
Musashi - Eiji Yoshikawa
Billboard Book of Popular Hits 1955-1999 - Joel Whitburn
Isaac Asimov's Guide to the Bible
2. it's 9 pm sunday night. what are you likely doing?
Listening to music by local musicians.
3. what's your favorite outdoors activity?
Sex. For a while, I was nearly obsessed with outdoor sex. I loved having sex in backyards, outdoor hot tubs, nature trails, you name it. That obsession has since eased somewhat, but I still greatly enjoy it when I have the opportunity.
4. when was the last time you were in a physical confrontation/fight? and how did it go?
Hm. I seem to recall being involved in a brief fracas with some drunk guy not terribly long ago, but it literally involved me blocking a punch and then holding him for a bit so he realized he had no chance at winning a physical altercation with me. Other than that....it may have been college, so about twenty-five years ago. I'm over six feet tall and over 200 lbs, so guys tend not to start anything with me.
5. what is under your bed?
Dust bunnies, mainly. It's a major chore to clean under the bed, as it's all but immobile. I used to have a big (but pretty flat) container with a ton of cassettes in it, but I think I moved that to storage.
1. What's an ideal breakfast?
2. Which household core is your least favorite?
3. What piece of work would you love to have displayed in your home?
4. A small group of people are breaking into your house. You have to fight them off. With what in your home do you arm yourself?
5. If there was a reality TV show based on your life (no matter how boring you think it is), what would they call it?
Posts: 15,397
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Joined: Jun 2014
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Starsign:  Aries
1. What's an ideal breakfast?
Grilled cheese sandwich with hot chocolate.
2. Which household core is your least favorite?
I almost never do cores, but when I do, it's washing dishes.
3. What piece of work would you love to have displayed in your home?
Don't work yet, but whatever I will in the future, it would be a mathematics table.
4. A small group of people are breaking into your house. You have to fight them off. With what in your home do you arm yourself?
My gun I'd instantly grab if I sense them approaching.
5. If there was a reality TV show based on your life (no matter how boring you think it is), what would they call it?
The Cute Toxin.
[COLOR="Blue"]1_ If you had the chance to become an important politician in your country, what is the first issue you would plan on working on?
2_ How many gay forums have you been a member on until now?
3_ Do you agree with the quote: "our past defines who we are"? Why/why not?
4_ What is your favorite cartoon?
5_ Choose your epitaph.[/COLOR]
1_ If you had the chance to become an important politician in your country, what is the first issue you would plan on working on? Since LGBT issues seem to be enjoying a lot more popularity, I would first focus on environmental issues. Or closing the wage gap. One of those two.
2_ How many gay forums have you been a member on until now? None, this is my first
3_ Do you agree with the quote: "our past defines who we are"? Why/why not? Typical lawyer answer: It depends. Sometimes it does. My parents' divorce still influences how I interact with people and feel about love. What I did in college, not so much.
4_ What is your favorite cartoon? South Park. Without a doubt. I love satire, and I love SP's brand of humor
5_ Choose your epitaph. I guess he ran out of horcruxes.
1. Do you frequent gay bars? Why or why not?
2. Boxers, briefs, or none? :p
3. Best gay movie of all time.
4. Any guilty pleasure music that's not of your generation? (example: if you're 50's and above and love One Direction or 18 and love Glen Miller/40's swing)
5. First 'gay' experience?
Posts: 15,397
Threads: 27
Joined: Jun 2014
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Starsign:  Aries
1. Do you frequent gay bars? Why or why not?
There are only a few in my city, most of them have been shut down and the others may be threatened by police raids. So no, definitely, I wouldn't put my life at risk right now.
2. Boxers, briefs, or none?
Boxers, sometimes none.
3. Best gay movie of all time.
Haven't watched gay movies yet...
4. Any guilty pleasure music that's not of your generation? (example: if you're 50's and above and love One Direction or 18 and love Glen Miller/40's swing)
Yes, Phil Collins' 80-90s songs. Or Arabic, it's Amr Diab's 1983 album - Ya Tareeq.
5. First 'gay' experience?
My first kiss with my awful ex bf.
[COLOR="Blue"]1_ How many children do you have, or want to have in the future?
2_ How many best friends (you can trust deeply) do you have?
3_ Soybeans sauce or chili sauce?
4_ Did you ever go to a circus? When and where?
5_ Do you love my current signature?[/COLOR]
1_ How many children do you have, or want to have in the future?
I might/might not have one...long story. I want 0 and will have 0 in the future.
2_ How many best friends (you can trust deeply) do you have?
3_ Soybeans sauce or chili sauce?
Chili Sauce
4_ Did you ever go to a circus? When and where?
I was very young...don't remember it much
5_ Do you love my current signature?
Yes...I love it!
What is the nicest thing anyone ever did for you?
Would you like to live 10 years with love...or 50 years without it?
No books or no TV...which is worse?
Do you have a gag reflex with any food?
Sexiest Man Alive at the moment?