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Five Questions
Stevie Wrote:______________________________________________________________

My 5 questions:

1. If you could pick one thing that you would do differently from you past, what would it be?

2. How often do you cook dinner for yourself each week?

3. What was the worst job you've ever had?

4. Where did your first sexual encounter take place?

5. Have you ever sent a nude selfie to someone online?

1. I could probably come up with several, though most would be exs so we'll just leave it at that. Though I FINALLY got it right.

2. Every night that I don't eat out. So at least five, sometimes more

3. Wendy's (Do you even want to KNOW what they put in their chili?)

4. Toyota, front seat reclined allllll the way back in the parking lot of an apartment building. Ahem. Just think cramped spaces and tight places.

5. Um no.


1. What's your favorite time of day and why?

2. What's your favorite part of a man's body?

3. What's the absolute -strangest- thing another person has ever asked you to do?

4. You're stranded on a deserted island with the man of your dreams...name five things you want to find in your backpack.

5. If you were going to spend a single day making someone feel special, what would you have planned?

1. What's your favorite time of day and why?

8am. It's the time of day that Mark and I have to get up to give the cat one of her twice daily insulin shots, but that's not why. I can see whether or not it's going to be a sunny day or a rainy mess from the local weatherman. It's the difference between sleeping in for a couple of more hours or attempting to rise with the Buttercups and be productive with my day. One often wins out over the other. Burnbg

2. What's your favorite part of a man's body?

His eyes. Pretty eyes and a soulful look can completely unhinge me.

3. What's the absolute -strangest- thing another person has ever asked you to do?

Hmmm. Helping an old man onto a bedpan when asked - desperately - by a nurse when that wing of the retirement home was understaffed. I was normally in charge of the kitchen. Can't tell you the lengths I went to wash my hands afterward.

4. You're stranded on a deserted island with the man of your dreams...name five things you want to find in your backpack.

This is assuming the man of my dreams isn't my partner:

1. A satellite phone (at some point I'm going to get tired of lifting my legs to Jesus...even for a dream man).
2. Lubrication (since I plan to be good and well used before I get tired of him and I'm not fond of spit which is useless slippity-slide).
3. Dinner, including wine and fresh water. Enough for a week (We need to eat. And a week is long enough for a dream man because they're never as good as in real life).
4. A deck of cards, or a good book, and I don't mean the Bible. Even the man of my dreams could be boring.
5. A sturdy tent. Who wants to get rained on?

5. If you were going to spend a single day making someone feel special, what would you have planned?

Tickets to a good Broadway play or musical. Dinner in a fine restaurant with a beautiful 24 carat diamond ring at the bottom of a full champagne glass. Accompanied by a wedding proposal. That would only be for my partner.
For someone else, A fully paid shopping excursion, an excellent marihuana brownie, and endless and quality array of munchie foods, and a great view of New York at night. Actually the first option might be incorporated into the second option.

I worked at Wendy's too, so I do know the old, overcooked burger they heap into their chili. I worked at McDonald's, Pizza Hut, and Burger King as well, which is why we don't eat out very often.

My questions:

1. Where would you ideally build your dream home?

2. How many hats do you own and use?

3. Would you rather hike to the top of a tall mountain or dive deep in a submarine to the lowest depth?

4. What keeps you awake at night?

5. How old were you ever seen the aurora borealis?

1. Where would you ideally build your dream home? somewhere in the mountains, I'm thinking like King's Pinnacle in NC

2. How many hats do you own and use? Mainly a brown flat cap but I'll occasionally grab a random ball cap from the closet. Used to wear this awesome fuzzy knit cap but I lost it Sad

3. Would you rather hike to the top of a tall mountain or dive deep in a submarine to the lowest depth? Mountain, definitely. Depth scares the shit outta me

4. What keeps you awake at night? A lot of things. My own fears and insecurities. The stupid things I've said and done. The sheer unfathomable mass of human suffering that has existed forever and is exists everywhere right now that I can't even comprehend from the comfort of my cozy bed in my air-conditioned room. What did I do to deserve air conditioning??? This shit's awesome, give it to everybody

5. How old were you ever seen the aurora borealis? Never seen any kind of aurora except in pictures.


1. What would you do if you had a terminal illness that had a 100% chance of killing you in exactly 6 months?

2. Paper or plastic?

3. Foot massage or back rub?

4. What would you do if you started hearing a voice in your head claiming to be God?

5. May I have this dance? :eyebrow-wiggle-smil

Miles Wrote:--------------

1. What would you do if you had a terminal illness that had a 100% chance of killing you in exactly 6 months?

2. Paper or plastic?

3. Foot massage or back rub?

4. What would you do if you started hearing a voice in your head claiming to be God?

5. May I have this dance? :eyebrow-wiggle-smil

1. Easy - did this same exercise 3 weeks ago. Quit my job. Load up the animals and go for the most awesome Canadian road trip ever: Coast 2 Coast 2 Coast, north south east west, all capitals, provinces and territories. Spend approximately 1 day with each of my remaining family members. Find good homes for my pets (ok, starting to cry now you damned blue rat!!). Head to Vancouver Island and spend my last day watching the sunrise on the east and the sunset on the west. Then get up take a big crap on the world and go to my forever sleep.

2. Paper. F the oil companies.

3. If you want to get in me then a foot rub is necessary. If you are already in me, then damnit rub my back.

4. What do you mean IF? I have the power, I have the looks, I have control. So I would break out in to my best FlashDance rendition.

5. Finally you asked. So with the blue rat or with the uber sexy mauvish purplish sheepy goat one?

5 Q's 4 U:

1. Charlie Brown or Homer? A reason for your preference is preferred.

2. Cabin in the mountains or an ocean front property?

3. How long did it take you to change the ring tone on your cell phone?

4. Facebook? Instagram? Tweeter? PintheDonkey (or whatever it is called)? Do you do social media and which ones?

5. If money and time were no object, what would you study at university?

1. Charlie Brown or Homer? A reason for your preference is preferred.
Charlie brown...I was always fond of peanuts and Charles schulz

2. Cabin in the mountains or an ocean front property?

3. How long did it take you to change the ring tone on your cell phone?
zero. the day I got my new cell phone, I changed it from the default ringtone.

4. Facebook? Instagram? Tweeter? PintheDonkey (or whatever it is called)? Do you do social media and which ones?
just fb

5. If money and time were no object, what would you study at university?
I'd still like to study chemistry.

here's mine:
1. what is your fondest memory?

2. how do you take your coffee?

3. if you could talk to anyone person, living or dead, who?

4. when you fall, how do you get back up?

5. what kind of wheels do you drive?

trywait Wrote:1. what is your fondest memory?

2. how do you take your coffee?

3. if you could talk to anyone person, living or dead, who?

4. when you fall, how do you get back up?

5. what kind of wheels do you drive?

1. The first day I held my newborn baby in my arms and instead of crying, she smiled, it was the beginning of a beautiful family adventure.

2. Black with 6 sugars, I drink coffee syrup LOL - yes I know not good for my diabetes, but fuck this shit I check my food intake everyday, since I'm 11 years old, so I'm allowed to cheat.

3. That's not really a clear question. I speak to people all the time all day and I'm not the kind of talking to dead people, they're dead. But I would have loved to talk with Robin Williams.

4. This will depend how one fall. On my ass, I'll push myself up with my hands, on my belly, I'll push forward with my hands again, on my sides, I'll roll on my back and push myself up with my hands and if I fall dead, I won't back up lol

5. Round ones hahaha. No seriously, don't get jealous now, I have 4 cars, I drive a Nissan Pathfinder, Jeep (Alex's car), Alpha Romeo and Lincoln Navigator (Me and Alex) we also have another car, but since Alex is on this forum and I want to keep on living I won't mention that I drive it, but I gave him a fully reconditioned Black Roll Royce Phantom 1960 for his 24th birthday. That's his car, and last time a wanted to drive it, I felt a very painful sensation between my legs, some hands were squeezing the pack, and all I could hear was no-one but me drive this car. LOL

Here's 5 more questions:

1. We all have preferences no matter what or why. Who do you like the most; your mom or your dad? (This is a close ended question, you can explain your choice but, you have no other choices, this mean NEITHER, NONE, or any alternative answers that are not in there aren't valid).

2. Suddenly you become super rich, what are your REAL plans?- Don't bullshit about giving this to whom and whom. (I am rich and I've learned not to blindly give money to family or friends.)

3. Do you believe your life to be exciting/special enough to put it on film or book?

4. How are you doing? - yep that simple

5. Robin Williams died from depression, how did you take the news? Do you care or you don't give a rat ass?

Here's 5 more questions:

1. We all have preferences no matter what or why. Who do you like the most; your mom or your dad? (This is a close ended question, you can explain your choice but, you have no other choices, this mean NEATHER, NONE, or any alternative answers that are not in there aren't valid).

As "neither" isn't a choice...gonna go with my Dad because he had somewhat of a conscience and had the balls to apologize when he realized the extent of the abuse the lady he chose to marry had inflicted on all of us....

2. Suddenly you become super rich, what are your REAL plans?- don't bullshit about giving this to whom and whom. (I am rich and I've learned not to blindly give money to family or friends.)

I have never really wanted a lot of money...isn't even on my list of desires...so I would take what I needed and probably give the rest to one of my favorite charities. I am not rich now and I already do that.

3. Do you believe you life to be exciting/special enough to put it on film or book?


4. How are you doing?

At the moment?...great
This month?...busy
This decade?...definitely challenging
In life?....happy

5. Robin Williams died from depression, how did you take the news? Do you care or you don't give a rat ass?

My youngest brother took his life and I have never gotten over it. I was angry and I felt very guilty for being angry. I am a little ashamed to say that I had more compassion for Robin Williams than my brother and all of a sudden the anger at my brother is starting to turn into compassion...FINALLY...because of Robin Williams

Next Five:

Earthquake or Tornado?
Do you think the truth has been told about 9/11?
What fear have you overcome?
If you lost everything you own today...would you be able to move on?
Where would you like to be at Midnight on New Years Eve 2015?

Next Five:

Earthquake or Tornado?

Tornado. You get warnings to take cover when severe weather is on the way. An Earthquake is a scary surprise that happens to people without notice.

Do you think the truth has been told about 9/11?

I think most of the truth about 9/11 has come to light, although I'm sure there are a few details that haven't seen the light of day. I have more questions about the US incursion into Iraq than I do about the truth concerning 9/11.

What fear have you overcome?

Now that, my friend, is an excellent question. I haven't been able to let go of many fears I suffer. I think I'm getting better about dealing with occurrences of dementia. My brother gave me the best advice this last Christmas: just let it go. I've let go of the fear about drifting in and out of reality. Still feel a bit ashamed and stupid sometimes, but I can't control it, so I just try to let go feeling helpless.

If you lost everything you own today...would you be able to move on?

It would be hard, but yeah. It's just stuff. There's always more stuff. Pictures would be hard to lose, but a lot of that is backed up online. So material items... stuff.

Where would you like to be at Midnight on New Years Eve 2015?

I have a boring answer. At home with Mark. If we're both not too tired to watch the ball drop, then in bed with him. When I was younger it was an excuse to party with friends. At this point it's just another day. I'm tired of hearing people mangle the words of Auld Lang Syne anyway.

Next 5:

1. Have you ever been intimate with a friend?

2. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?

3. Name is the food you dislike the most?

4. Why do you like the color of the room you're currently in?

5. Tell us about someone you envy?

I forgot all about this....

Next 5:

1. Have you ever been intimate with a friend?

Yes..but it was weird and forced. The one I am thinking about was actually one of the first AIDS deaths....had it worked out differently I might have been as well.

2. Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?

Yeah...sorta. I like to pretend that my mom's insanity gave me a lot of special gifts. I used to pretend she planned it that way but the truth is that there is a silver lining in every cloud if you pay attention

3. Name is the food you dislike the most?

Lamb or Veal

4. Why do you like the color of the room you're currently in?

It makes me feel comfortable

5. Tell us about someone you envy?

Bluelight...a few minutes ago...he became the person I envy the most in the entire world. The worst mistake I ever made was letting a horribly manipulative female control a big part of my life. I let her do it...and I hate that I let her do it. I wish I could change that. He took control of a similar situation and did what I always wished I would have done.


The next president...who would you bring back from the dead to lead us? (It could be anyone)

Would you shave your head bald to support a friend with cancer?

Can you say THANK YOU in more or less than ten languages?

What is the single best piece of advice you can give another person?

Which food most reminds you of an orgasm?

The next president...who would you bring back from the dead to lead us? (It could be anyone)

Lincoln, just so he could show the world he isn't all that and a bag of chips.

Would you shave your head bald to support a friend with cancer?


Can you say THANK YOU in more or less than ten languages?


What is the single best piece of advice you can give another person?

Learn from the mistakes of others, you will never live long enough to make all mistakes.

Which food most reminds you of an orgasm?

Cream puffs.

My turn to put you to The Inquisition :biggrin:

1. Ever ride a horse?

2. Would you give up your 'device' (cell phone, Ipad, PC, etc) to satisfy an S.O. phobia of technology?

3. What is your oddest habit/foible?

4. For your lover, would you try Safe and Sane Kink?

5. How long do you think you could survive in a world where electricity, running water and other comforts of modern life did not exist?

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