07-01-2015, 06:30 PM
01. What were you passionate about as a child?
I can't think of any one specific thing that I was truly passionate about. I guess I could holistically combine my childhood into one big ball and say I was passionate about "exploring and enjoying this big planet of mine, and extracting as much fun and enjoyment as I could out of it". I did a bunch of typical kid things - I played baseball and video games, and played with my friends. But I did a bunch of weird-ass stuff, too. I used to stand at one spot in my neighborhood where I could see up a large hill, and watch all the streetlights go off and on. I'd sit somewhere and watch the street cars go by, trying to determine how long it would take before they'd come back for the return trip And my parents (bless them) were supportive of such weird things. They let my imagination run unfettered, and I benefited greatly from it.
02. What is on your bucket list?
I'm pretty much out of "bucket list" items, as in stuff I DEFINITELY want to do before I die. I now just have a list of things I'd LIKE to do, and if I don't do them before I die, I'm totally fine with that. And for those with long memories, yes, the Gargoyle Sex Tour is still on the list.
03. What was the best thing that happened to you yesterday?
My partner and I went out to a favorite restaurant. One of the cooks is moving away after six years, and we went to say goodbye. She made us a special dessert, too, which was awesome.
04. What is the most important thing you must accomplish tomorrow?
It may be today, or it may be tomorrow. I have to contact a large number of people about taking part in an event, but I can't do so until I get a schedule of events to see when everything is taking place. (I can't contact somebody who will only be in town on Thursday to take part if my thing is on Sunday, for instance.) So I'm sort of idling, waiting for the schedule to be released. After it is, the gargoyle will be composing a shit-ton of e-mails.
05. Who is the most important person (or most important people) in your life and what are you doing for them (To make them feel appreciated)?
My partner. And I'm doing what I always do. I have a "to do" list on my phone, so I can stay on top of my household chores and whatnot. And the one item on the list for every day is "make sure he knows I care".
1. What is one skill you would most like to possess?
2. What was the worst movie you ever saw in the theater?
3. If you could have an exotic pet, what would you like to have?
4. Who was your first celebrity crush?
5. Who is your latest celebrity crush?
I can't think of any one specific thing that I was truly passionate about. I guess I could holistically combine my childhood into one big ball and say I was passionate about "exploring and enjoying this big planet of mine, and extracting as much fun and enjoyment as I could out of it". I did a bunch of typical kid things - I played baseball and video games, and played with my friends. But I did a bunch of weird-ass stuff, too. I used to stand at one spot in my neighborhood where I could see up a large hill, and watch all the streetlights go off and on. I'd sit somewhere and watch the street cars go by, trying to determine how long it would take before they'd come back for the return trip And my parents (bless them) were supportive of such weird things. They let my imagination run unfettered, and I benefited greatly from it.
02. What is on your bucket list?
I'm pretty much out of "bucket list" items, as in stuff I DEFINITELY want to do before I die. I now just have a list of things I'd LIKE to do, and if I don't do them before I die, I'm totally fine with that. And for those with long memories, yes, the Gargoyle Sex Tour is still on the list.

03. What was the best thing that happened to you yesterday?
My partner and I went out to a favorite restaurant. One of the cooks is moving away after six years, and we went to say goodbye. She made us a special dessert, too, which was awesome.
04. What is the most important thing you must accomplish tomorrow?
It may be today, or it may be tomorrow. I have to contact a large number of people about taking part in an event, but I can't do so until I get a schedule of events to see when everything is taking place. (I can't contact somebody who will only be in town on Thursday to take part if my thing is on Sunday, for instance.) So I'm sort of idling, waiting for the schedule to be released. After it is, the gargoyle will be composing a shit-ton of e-mails.

05. Who is the most important person (or most important people) in your life and what are you doing for them (To make them feel appreciated)?
My partner. And I'm doing what I always do. I have a "to do" list on my phone, so I can stay on top of my household chores and whatnot. And the one item on the list for every day is "make sure he knows I care".

1. What is one skill you would most like to possess?
2. What was the worst movie you ever saw in the theater?
3. If you could have an exotic pet, what would you like to have?
4. Who was your first celebrity crush?
5. Who is your latest celebrity crush?
