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Five Questions
Emiliano Wrote:1.-What has been the most influential world event to have happened in your life?
2. When you dont want to do something, are you more likely to be honest or to make up an excuse?
3. What is the furthest in each direction (to the north, to the south, to the east, to the west) that you have been from where you were born?
4. What is one thing that everyone on the planet should have?
5. Do you feel powerful in your everyday life?

1.- We are relatively safe (or isolated) and oblivous (or peripheral) to most wordly events down here to have them affect things all that much. I suppose everytime some shizzle goes on bewteen US and some Middle East country, gas prices go crazy up...that's about it.

2.- I am explicit in what I don't want to do but I'll still throw an excuse here and there to not appear like the ravid asshole I am

3.- North, 80 Km - South, 955 Km - East, 1900 Km - West, as far as my swimming has ever taken me off shore. Dunno exactly how much that is.

4.- Company

5.- No. I feel, more or less, in control which is not the same (more specifically, I feel I have all the many many things that are out to f*ck me up at bay, thus that makes me feel in control). That is for most of my life. These past few months I haven't been in control one bit.

1.- What is your ideal type of home?
2.- How many light bulbs are there in your place?
3.- On an estimate what is the percentage of women and men where you work?
4.- Are you a crazy animal lover as in going vegan and punching furr owners? Just a pet type of person? Or would you clean up the streets of stray dogs?
5.- What is the craziest thing you've seen happen or seen posted in this site?
[Image: 05onfire1_xp-jumbo-v2.jpg?quality=90&auto=webp]

1.- Have you ever swam far enough from the shore that people looked small like ants?
No I have never been more than 10 feet from the beach. Too afraid of open water.
2.- What is the ideal range on temperature in which you feel comfortable.
about 70 degrees F or 21 degrees C
3.- Does your energy last during the week?
Yes usually, though I do have super tiring weeks
4.- What is a typical Sunday for you?
Relax and prepare for the next day.
5.- Do you have any (deemed) "weird" traits, like not drinking alcohol?
being considered super "innocent"

1: do you have any pets
2: whats your favorite thing to do?
3: Have you ever surfed?
4: whats the scariest thing you have ever done?
5: Do you like hot tea?

zepplin1 Wrote:1: do you have any pets
2: whats your favorite thing to do?
3: Have you ever surfed?
4: whats the scariest thing you have ever done?
5: Do you like hot tea?

1.- No
2- Sleeeeeeep whenever I can. Nothing beats that.
3.- No
4.- Taking down a wasp hive probably. And telling my bitchy boss when I fuck up.
5.- Not hot. I don't like hot anything. Warm tea, for sure. Tea is life.

Good thing I don't have to come up with new questions lol

1.- What is your ideal type of home?
2.- How many light bulbs are there in your place?
3.- On an estimate what is the percentage of women and men where you work?
4.- Are you a crazy animal lover as in going vegan and punching furr owners? Just a pet type of person? Or would you clean up the streets of stray dogs?
5.- What is the craziest thing you've seen happen or seen posted in this site?
[Image: 05onfire1_xp-jumbo-v2.jpg?quality=90&auto=webp]


1.- What is your ideal type of home?
Id really love to have a victorian brownstone near Fort Greene. But I also wouldn't turn down a glass walled, ultra modern Central Park facing penthouse either.

2.- How many light bulbs are there in your place?
Haha.. not including lamps, I have 3 ceiling fixtures. But Im not a fan of overhead lights, so including lamps and novelty lighting, it brings the total to 10 -(not counting all the bulbs on the string lights).

3.- On an estimate what is the percentage of women and men where you work?
For my museum job - 80 women to 20 men. For the library job, 70 women to 30 men. For the tutoring job, maybe 50/50. Education is a female dominated field. But I could start a whole other thread explaining why that shouldn't be.

4.- Are you a crazy animal lover as in going vegan and punching furr owners? Just a pet type of person? Or would you clean up the streets of stray dogs?
Im much more of a human person than an animal person. But I like animals. It hurts me to see when animals are mistreated, but it absolutely blows my mind when a person will show more compassion for a mistreated animal than a mistreated human.

5.- What is the craziest thing you've seen happen or seen posted in this site?
I've come across some crazy conversations. And I was once the unintended recipient of a photograph of a very personal nature. But I don't think Ive seen anything legit wild on here.


1: do you have any pets
Yes, I have a cat that lives with me and a dog that lives with my mom.

2: whats your favorite thing to do?
Learn by reading, watching, listening, and discussing.

3: Have you ever surfed?
Ive attempted to, sure.

4: whats the scariest thing you have ever done?
Maybe going into an abandoned building with friends when I was a teenager. I try to keep the actually dangerous scary things out of my life. But im easily scared by the idea of paranormal things.

5: Do you like hot tea?
Yes, I do.

1. If I visited where you live, what would you recommend I see or do?
2. What is your favorite work of art?
3. You could build a bridge that warped space and connected where you are to a distant place, and would allow you to easily travel between the two, what distant place would you connect to?
4. If you could instantly obtain any knowledge, what would you want to learn?
5. What was the last thing you bought?

Emiliano Wrote:1. If I visited where you live, what would you recommend I see or do?
2. What is your favorite work of art?
3. You could build a bridge that warped space and connected where you are to a distant place, and would allow you to easily travel between the two, what distant place would you connect to?
4. If you could instantly obtain any knowledge, what would you want to learn?
5. What was the last thing you bought?

1.- Climb through the steepy labyrith of streets and watch your legs get crazy buff Big Grin while appreciating the nonsensic mix of Victorian households and archetypical Latino cités. Get a selfie with the Navy HQ as a background, go on a boat trip arround the harbor, ask me to cook for you, since local cuisine is nothing you won't find there in NY me thinks.

2.- [Image: munch-scream2.jpg]

3.- I could use to be connected with the ye old US. Somewhere around Boston so I can jizz upon sight of Harvard and delight myself with some proper and much needed cold.

4.- Ugh, ok...Advanced Physics, even tho I hate physics..would make me all around more complete.

5.- Bread...duh

1.- How much (app.) did you have to pay for your education?
2.- What is you daily calorie expenditure?
3.- If you could inverse the densities of 2 liquids, what would those be?
4- If you could change the stereospecificity of an enzyme, which one would that be?
5.- Does your mood change depending on the weather?
[Image: 05onfire1_xp-jumbo-v2.jpg?quality=90&auto=webp]

1.- How much (app.) did you have to pay for your education?
I had a 4 year scholarship for undergrad, but I did a dual degree (BS-MS) so I paid roughy $20k for the last year. Right now I’m in an 8 year dual degree program that comes with a stipend. But if feels like I spend a fortune on books. Rolleyes
2.- What is you daily calorie expenditure? 2700 - 3000???
3.- If you could inverse the densities of 2 liquids, what would those be?
I like things the way they are, so no. lol.
4- If you could change the stereospecificity of an enzyme, which one would that be?
The MTH1 enzyme which cancer needs to survive.
5.- Does your mood change depending on the weather?
Yes. I’m really craving sunshine right now but there is none. Cry


1.Why did you choose your profession (or if student, your major)?
2.As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
3.What do you think is the best name for a cat?Catmilk
4.For what in your life are you most grateful?
5.What do you value most in a friendship?

azulai Wrote:1.Why did you choose your profession (or if student, your major)?
2.As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
3.What do you think is the best name for a cat?Catmilk
4.For what in your life are you most grateful?
5.What do you value most in a friendship?

1.- I was both good at the subjects involved and I just couldn't wait for a multidisciplinary scientific job. Makes me feel all elitist and whatnot Big Grin. But in all seriousness. I looked at the brochure, did some reasearch and discovered that it would fit me better than a tailored suit.
2.- Always been science. Wasn't anything specific back then.
3.- "Assassin". Doesn't matter if I get a cute bunny, a fluffly kitteh or a throat-ripping rotweiller, I'm gonna name it "Assassin".
4.-That despite horrific backgrounds my parents could manage to be stable enough for us (me and sis) to achieve so much more than they ever could due to lack of opportunities.
5.- Honesty.

1.- Are you collected or disperse?
2.- Do you efforts get atomized or can you retain focus?
3.- How far spread is your family?
4.- Do you compartimentalize or do you integrate most aspects of your life?
5.- How far down have you gone through the rabbit hole?
[Image: 05onfire1_xp-jumbo-v2.jpg?quality=90&auto=webp]

1.- Are you collected or disperse?
I think I'm pretty collected, mentally. But I am dispersed across many things, as I usually have several things I'm working on at once. So I don't know.

2.- Do you efforts get atomized or can you retain focus?
I am typically focused on what I'm doing, and I can remain focused over long periods of time.

3.- How far spread is your family?
In terms of my immediate family- sisters, brother, mom, we are spread across three boroughs and two states. My extended family - grandparents, aunts, cousins, as far as I know we are scattered around four countries and there are many of them I have only met over the phone or through Skype or not at all.

4.- Do you compartimentalize or do you integrate most aspects of your life?
My life is integrated.

5.- How far down have you gone through the rabbit hole?
I keep out of rabbit holes.

1. What is one thing about you that people would never assume?
2. Describe (or post a photo) of your favorite outfit?
3. How far away does your destination have to be before you will no longer walk there and take another form of transportation instead?
4. What year was your city/town founded?
5. Your mother - regardless of your relationship with her or whether or not she's alive, or knows that you are gay/bi/whatever -just set you up on a blind date. What are three words that might describe the partner she'd select for you?

Emiliano Wrote:1. What is one thing about you that people would never assume?
2. Describe (or post a photo) of your favorite outfit?
3. How far away does your destination have to be before you will no longer walk there and take another form of transportation instead?
4. What year was your city/town founded?
5. Your mother - regardless of your relationship with her or whether or not she's alive, or knows that you are gay/bi/whatever -just set you up on a blind date. What are three words that might describe the partner she'd select for you?

1.- That I'm very affectionate.
2.- Eh...polo shirt and some jeans...I'm a simple dude.
3.- Over an hour of walk. I have done more than that, mind you.
4.- Established in 1536 but everyone sort of forgot to do an official foundation ceremony until 1999. True story.
5.- Lively, sweet and not an inch less than I am, academically speaking.

1.- What do you care about the most?
2.- To what things are you outrageously indifferent?
3.- What do you think about people that don't like kids, pets, xmas?
4.- What was your last major realization?
5.- Whta goals have you accomplished so far?
[Image: 05onfire1_xp-jumbo-v2.jpg?quality=90&auto=webp]

1.- What do you care about the most?
I think I care the most about people. I believe in investing in people, holding people to high expectations, and working to help empower people. I want to see us as a whole overcome struggles, create powerful, inspiring things, and discover the solutions to the problems and issues we face as individuals and as earthlings. I really care about the present and future of humanity.

2.- To what things are you outrageously indifferent?
I am indifferent to status markers. I refuse to believe that the things that a person owns or possesses are at all relative to the value or quality of their contributions to life and those around them.

3.- What do you think about people that don't like kids, pets, xmas?
I think they should seek out and focus their energy on the things in life that they do enjoy.

4.- What was your last major realization?
That in some aspects I am too comfortable at one of my jobs. And I should reevaluate that so that I don't become too stagnant, or allow myself to feel false confidence.

5.- Whta goals have you accomplished so far?
Long term goal - graduated college and got into grad school
Short term goal - began my research on a tour im writing.
Week's goal - Did my laundry and cleaned my apartment
Today's goal - dragged my pathetic ass out of my bed of self pity and did all the things i was responsible for doing today.

What is a physical trait you are most complimented on?
What is a non physical trait you are most complimented on?
What were two traits of your favorite teacher?
What were two traits of your least favorite teacher?
Are you typically more competitive or more collaborative?

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