07-09-2014, 05:41 AM
So I met this pretty cool guy on one of these gays apps I go on. And so far, we've had 4 dates. From what I can tell, I do like him, but I haven't gotten to know him all that well to establish a connection of any sort. The first 3 dates/hang-outs were just us walking around my neighborhood, just talking. So it was a pretty chill vibe. On the 3rd one, after we parted our ways, he admitted over text that he wanted to kiss me, but didn't know if I wanted to as well, and there were people around so he didn't know if I liked showing public affection either. I said back that I did want to kiss as well, but didn't know on his part either. After that, he got a little busy at work for the next few weeks, so we weren't texting as much as we did. Over time, he mentioned if we could go out for movies or whatever, and I agreed. Which also happend today. But literally nothing happened. We met up, watched the movie, he didn't say a word during it, and then got on the train to go home. We hugged before he left. By the 4th date, I expected for something different to happen, but so far, it's been the same as the first 3 dates. Just small talk here and there, and blah blah blah. So I'm not really all that sure if he likes me or he's just shy. He was the one who asked for another date, so I can't imagine he asked for no reason. And I look at his FB pics' and he seems to be a very outgoing guy and likes to be around lots of people, so I don't think he would be that shy, but who knows. I was hoping maybe someone can put in their two cents and see what they think about it. Sorry for the long version of it! Thanks in advance to anyone who replies!