Will101 Wrote:WHAT THE HECK!?!?
I mean.. I don't know where to start... First of all ALL MY POST ARE REAL. I have no intention to lie to anybody or either call attention. I receive a lot of it. Being a pianist and a singer. So nope. I ain't no looser kid who has nothing to do with his life other than create fake stories. That really hurts. Like are my stories really that dramatical and unbelievable?! There are two options. Either my life is too dramatical or yours are too boring. Don't judge nor blame on me. I know I am honest and I haven't said a lie in all my posts. And I also have replied lots of other posts other than mine. I came here for help. HELP. IF you are not going to bring it to me. Get out. Maybe my post are always too intense cuz I come here when I'm about to explode! I am not always in home doing nothing also, to say that I have time to be so active in the forum. So.
THANK YOU. Guys. The ones who tried to help. So I'll update you! First of all I have done my research about the vaccine and I also found that Russian post. And I really don't know what kind of doctor he is , but I used to think he was a good one. I also KNOW that homosexuality is not a sickness and anything like that I also know that nothing can cure homosexuality, cuz I told my mom "mom if there was a cure it will be famous already" and she told me that we lose nothing by trying. But I was pretty scared when she told me about it. She says that we both we'll go to the doctor and he will tell us everything. I will update you guys after going. And that vaccine sounds insane to me too! Don't think for a minute that I believed my mom in a sec when she told me that. I am no fool! So many medical investigations have stated that homosexuality is not a disease neither a mental disorder, so why would exist a cure?? This is nuts to me too! Don't doubt it. Also the jokes aren't funny. Try to put yourself in my feet. I'm just 18. Not the most wise age. I get scared about big things. So, that's it. See ya guys! Thanks for everything.
PD: I live in Paraguay! Not in the U.S.A.
Ignorance and people who don't understand a shit about homosexuality are all over this country. Okay Will, I apologize for making assumptions and should not have done that. To be fair, however, you have USA listed as your location. You might not think where you are located matters in seeking or giving advice, but when it comes to coming out issues, the place you live is important. The issues involved with coming out are going to be very different for someone living in Tehran than it is for someone living in Toronto. In the problem you presented here it was even more important because you are dealing with an issue of the medical industry and in the U.S. that is a heavily regulated industry and so of course when your profile says USA, the answers are going to be given with that in mind. It is has been more than 40 years in the U.S. since homosexuality was viewed as and treated as a disorder, so when you talk of a doctor that says he can treat you with a vaccine, it can call into question the validity of your story when you list the USA as the place you are located and for those that treated your story as truth, as you saw here, it causes those people to deal with ethics and legalities in the medical industry as if you are in the USA. I know your profile says it is Candyland USA, but I think nearly everyone, if not all, is going to take that as you are someone in the USA who does not want to give your exact location and so advice given will reflect that location.
Well, at least now we have a better understanding of context and the sometimes incoherent and insistent aspects of these threads. Still have a lingering odor of rotting fish, however.
(course, that could just mean I need a shower)
My advice still stands....if you can, move out already, be your own man.
You don't have to cut yourself off from your family by living on your own.
JimmyEcho Wrote:Quote from Jake
"Yes you did and there's your post trails to vouch for it so come on smell the roses"
Now your digging into other posts??
Look Jake, we're done here, O.K.
I'm not getting into a bickering match with you.(Life's to short)
I will never block you or anyone---(remember the DUCK with water)
We are a part of a community that should stand together.
How you want to interpret this is entirely up to you.
However, I'm done with this issue. I have no Ill will towards you because of a heated debate.
(I would be more than happy to chat with you on other topics down the line, but this subject has run it's coarse)
Alright enough of this... First of all Jimmy I am not the one who started the whole thing, you did.
Second, there was no heated debate at all, you took offense on one of my comment and attacked it like it was directly assigned to you.
Don't block me - Fine, but please if you're going to ever reply to a post I made, try to use some decorum next time - when I talk about post trails I'm not talking about me going around checking all your posts, I don't have that kind of time to waste - it was directly related to this thread - so stop this already! As I said I'm not in a competition here and I have made professional debates in my past related to my profession and studies and this was not a debate and you know it better than me.
Yes we are part of a community that should stand together, yet in this community I have seen people like you and others trying to drown others so they feel better about themselves - I'm not saying it was your goal, but your reply seemed to me to be a direct attack. I don't mind being told I'm wrong, if I am I'll be the first to acknowledge it and agree with it. What you did there was simply gratious and uncalled for - You and I could have just went private and explain to each other what we disagree on, but we didn't - fault is on me and is on you too. I may be a psychologist, but i do recognize that I make mistakes and when I do i take amend - but there was no mistake here Jimmy. I have read your previous posts on other subjects and quite often I agreed to it, I do not challenge your intelligence, you proved to be a very helpful member here - I don't know for me, I know I annoy a lot of people (in real life and online), perhaps because I have all those darn professional tittles attached to me. I don't know. If you believe that i don't belong here, I will abdicate and self delete in a jiffy.
I do not interpret Jimmy, I go with the facts, and the facts are written black on white from our discussions in this topic. So don't turn it like it was just an interpretation, making me once again the lowest. I won't accept that and won't let you get away with it.
You have no ill towards me but yet you need to put some of our discussion in bracket. WHY? Just why? If a person doesn't have anything to say about the other, why do you need to bring it back. Jimmy, behaviors aren't just gestual or spoken, it also can be detected in writing. I am a behavioral psychologist Jimmy, don't take it wrong but I've seen the game, I played it, and I'm done. Who's the winner? You! Because I wasn't player fair. So please let's end it at once and if you truly have a problem with me, PM me.
Sometimes things get out of hand, and it railroads out of control.
Yes, I got caught up in this railroad effect (I think we both did)
We are a family and community of people that should always be united, and sometimes within this Family your going to have quarrels. But the one thing that is so Great about us is that we always come to our senses and realize we can stand up to anything. Your still my brother in this community.That will never change.
O.K. how about we both just let this go, be friends, and join the rest of our family on Gay Speak.
P.S. My brother was standing behind me as I was typing this and he said--"You are soooo Gay"
^did you shout out, "speak!"?
ok, Jake and Jimmy, you all need to get naked and do some nude mud wrestling to finally work it all out.
Feel free to have someone inadvertently record it on their smart phone and post it here by accident.
sounds like a good title for a sitcom.... "Jake and Jimmy."
hhhmmm...shake and shimmy...?
got it!
Jake and Jimmy
Shake and shimmy.
When panties drop
and "things" go flop,
so says Jake to Jimmy...
"gimme, gimme, gimme!"
ETOTE, You are more than welcome to join in
JimmyEcho Wrote:Jake,
Sometimes things get out of hand, and it railroads out of control.
Yes, I got caught up in this railroad effect (I think we both did)
We are a family and community of people that should always be united, and sometimes within this Family your going to have quarrels. But the one thing that is so Great about us is that we always come to our senses and realize we can stand up to anything. Your still my brother in this community.That will never change.
O.K. how about we both just let this go, be friends, and join the rest of our family on Gay Speak.
P.S. My brother was standing behind me as I was typing this and he said--"You are soooo Gay" I am extremely gay Jimmy tell that to your brother lol and tell him a finger up your ass lol
ETOTE Wrote:^did you shout out, "speak!"?
ok, Jake and Jimmy, you all need to get naked and do some nude mud wrestling to finally work it all out.
Feel free to have someone inadvertently record it on their smart phone and post it here by accident.
sounds like a good title for a sitcom.... "Jake and Jimmy."
hhhmmm...shake and shimmy...?
got it!
Jake and Jimmy
Shake and shimmy.
When panties drop
and "things" go flop,
so says Jake to Jimmy...
"gimme, gimme, gimme!"

Hahahhahahaha please I'm married already but i wouldn't mind a Jimmy hahahahaha
Yes Jimmy let's burry the hatchet lol we fight for the same thing... love you my online buddy!
Oohhhh, your married, Damn, oh well, I can play the waiting game.
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Threads. o.0 *shakes head*