MikeW Wrote:I'll never understand this "saved post" feature that won't allow you to quote someone you're trying to reply to errgggg
I AGREE!!!!!!! We need to start an insurrection and threaten to poop on Andy's couch if he doesn't do something about that!
MikeW Wrote:This is a valid point. Are we sure it hasn't happened? 
[COLOR="Red"]Let me answer an earlier question you asked first. Evidence of homosexuality (sex variances) in early human civilization. The answer is yes.
If there wasn't there wouldn't be any trace of it in ALL cultures regardless of where they are.
My old gay friend here has a 3 inch thick book on homosexuality in native Americans that was printed in the 1980s. He won't loan it out so I have to go to his house to read it. I've also scoured the internet for it and can't find a copy for sale... Naturally the only written records of homosexuality in tribes of North America were written by homophobic Europeans which makes the book read like a horror story because in all cases they were revolted by the fact that so many native Americans of power were sex variant and so completely integrated into their society. There were women who lived as married couples and men as well. AND they took in orphaned children as their own. They did however have gender roles in which with any gay couple in a tribe would consist of one that played the role of the male warrior and one that played the role of the wife. This means there were some lesbians with bows and arrows and gay men who tended crops and did the cooking. Beyond that point they were treated totally equal and actually revered as being "of two spirits" (male and female) and served as leaders, medicine men or women, chiefs and arbitrators in disputes.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Red"]There's a really interesting theory to go with why so few artifacts of sex variant individuals in early history exist today. First, take into account that all known prehistoric artifacts of human sexuality would fit in the bed of a small pickup truck with room left over.
This is one of the side issues to this and I'm not going to go into great depth and screw up this thread.
It is about the origins of homophobia and it's very simple and most of all DOCUMENTED if you know where to look for it.
After Genghis Khan conquered China he issued a law that applied only to his soldiers. They were forbidden to engage in sex with males before they had eight sons.
Atilla placed a similar prohibition on his men.
Remember Hitler's far reaching plan to produce as many babies as he could?
Do you see a trend here?
You can go back and find MANY similar examples of this same thing in war oriented cultures all over the world.
The best example and by far the best documented case of this happened in 18 BCE in a law decreed by my hero, Octavian (Augustus Caesar) "the Julian laws protecting chastity and forbidding adultery."
Octavian decreed these laws after a census was taken that showed Rome was on it's way to becoming a city of non Romans. Romans weren't producing children as fast as the aliens in Rome. The short version of the laws was that he he banned everything except married sex for Roman citizens and put enormous penalties on childlessness and HOMOSEXUALITY... even though for the first 30 years of his life he had sex with men as much as with women. (the details are AMAZING if you like history!)
Keeping all this in mind....
imagine you're one of the priestly class in a a small tribe of monotheists that settled on a shitty piece of land at the east end of the Mediterranean sea, surrounded on all side by superior armies.... and it was your job to write a book of laws supposedly dictated by a god that would promote the survival of the religion and provide for a continuous supply of soldiers... and you get Levitcus 20:13 prohibiting a man from lying with another man as a woman.
We have no records of artifacts or literature depicting same sex relations that were destroyed by people like this.[/COLOR]
MikeW Wrote:I'll never understand this "saved post" feature that won't allow you to quote someone you're trying to reply to errgggg
YESS! I hate that :mad:
I'm no expert on this at all, but I like the population control theory. However the homosexuality gene got here, it exists in almost all mammals besides humans. Giraffes and Dolphins for instance, both of them like getting it on with members of the same sex. Bunnies too, though in reality they just hump everything...
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MikeW Wrote:I'll never understand this "saved post" feature that won't allow you to quote someone you're trying to reply to errgggg
Thank God!!!! Finally, there's a post on this thread that I understand!!!!
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Borg and Bowyn have good points, as does CellarDweller. I think we address the issue of homosexuality more broadly today because of improved communications, but that it has more incidence in history than most care to admit. We certainly seem to be able to produce more than enough babies, even if some siblings don't contribute. As for the historical occurrence of homosexual and bisexual behavior, there is no doubting that it it there and that we are in more denial about it than is honest. The argument that homosexuality balances the population is persuasive.
I bid NO Trump!
Nature finds a way to survive if possible...and homosexuality and the lack of offspring will certainly ease the burden of overpopulation and starvation in the future. Humans have that whole locust thing going on and homosexuals are the only defense from us consuming all the resources the planet has to offer...or at least we slow down the inevitable
Hmmmm.... maybe we should treated as the GODS that we are  ...or at least get a thank you and a commemorative postage stamp
LJay Wrote:Borg and Bowyn have good points, as does CellarDweller. I think we address the issue of homosexuality more broadly today because of improved communications, but that it has more incidence in history than most care to admit. We certainly seem to be able to produce more than enough babies, even if some siblings don't contribute. As for the historical occurrence of homosexual and bisexual behavior, there is no doubting that it it there and that we are in more denial about it than is honest. The argument that homosexuality balances the population is persuasive.
What if we add to the equation, the knowledge, that in natural life most of the offspring dies before ever having the chance to produce its own. We can also consider that birthrates could be "controlled" by lowering the chances, because if lowering the number of births truely improves the survival of the family, then the families with genetic material that lowered the chances of fertilization or increased the rate of child deaths would have survived, as their genetic mutations allowed for their family to thrive where others died off due to too high birthrate. Which sounds kind of insane. We could always eat each other.
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Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:...
Its going to be hard to say if there is or is not a sudden increase of homosexuals in the population. My generation (the lower end of yours I guess) Was the last to see the widespread 'closet lifestyle' of men getting married, having kids and meeting these expectations of society in order to survive.
Today we have greater tolerance, gay rights, gay marriage, which is allowing a lot of LGBT to step out and be who they are without having to take the 20+ year side track or life long stay in the closet.
Since the Kinsey Report of the middle 20th century that tagged us with 10%, many other reports came out and refuted 10%, but then they disagree on the exactly percentage, some say 1% some say as high as 3%... Are all of these somehow skewed? Does it depend on how we define homosexuality? Are there just a hella lot more closets then we previously thought?
Another and more troubling feature of the 21st century and its affect on sexuality especially for 'straight' males is that too many straight males have become bored with straight sex due to the proliferation of pornography.
There is a trend where too much 'vanilla' pornography is causing guys (and some gals, but guys mostly) to see out new and more exciting pornography, leading them to start watching gay porn, and get all excited over this new 'wild' sex, thus causing them to wonder if their getting wood while watching two dudes do it means they are gay. It means they are addicted to porn.
Porn Addiction is on the rise: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/2/prweb10382404.htm And its side effects are being seen/felt.
While technology is a thing humans do, we can wonder if humans just do things blindly, or if stages in development of technologies are actually caused by population numbers.
For instance the Industrial Revolution, while we can argue it was all about the use of steam, Rome and Greek folk were a single step away from piston steam engines. The only thing really holding back an industrial revolution was the total over all population which needed a larger working force to mass produce crap.
There is certain critical mass of population before innovation swept through humanity, Starting with the leap from the stone age to the copper age, and most likely ending with the current Information Age.
What you say here kinda goes along with my theory that most guys/people already are at least somewhat bi, and predominately for the last 2000 years it was suppressed by Christianity telling us/brain washing us into being against it - It's EVIL/A sin !!!
Now that religion isn't in as much control and gay rights are becoming more and more frequent/accepted, the overall mentality towards the 'sin' is relaxing and people are just reverting back to what they already/always were. Sexual beings. It's not that more guys are magically becoming bi/Gay... it's that they're not repressing that side of them and in denial about it.