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The Debates
Well, since the first Presidential debate is done, I figure that there should be discussion about it. Plus, this can be used for the future debates between the VPs and the next big debate.

They talked about the economy and about foreign policy. Was there anything that struck you about either of them? How they performend? What they said? Common themes they brought up?

I personally don't think that there was a clear victory for either of them, but I did like the way Obama handled himself. McCain seemed to condescend to Obama numerous times, calling him naive and that he didn't understand. Obama would usually rebuttle with by trying to correct or add a fact into McCain's statements.

The only thing I didn't like was how dodgey both of them were when asked certain questions. They were asked what they would end up cutting from their promises if the economy did not pick up, and neither of them really answered it. They both said what they would do, but never said what they wouldn't.

Anyway, this was the first Presidential debate I have ever watched, so it was interesting (maybe because the Canadian debates are so dull Wink ).

Glad that you watched it... These things usually turn me into a zombie but it was a lively debate.

Not really any new info or shocker just that the old dude looked really old and Obama looked fresh and intelligent.

The VP debate should be a great hoot!

Well XRIMO you have hit the nail directly on the head. McCain was condescending to Obama. Obama did a lot better debating McCain than debating Clinton. I would have loved to seen Obama pulverize him but that would have looked as if a young man were torchering an old man.
Very observant XRIMO good work.

Thanks Ray! Don't inflate my ego too much :biggrin: Wink lol

Wow, I'm gonna be up late. There is the Vice-Presidential debate between Sarah Palin and Joe Biden in the U.S., while there is a national debate in Canada between the various parties.
Oh man, I'll need to take notes or something...

Cant wait myself!!! Will probably watch the thing multiple times from multiple channels.

Enjoy up there my northern friend!

btw, how many parties up north? Will have to look over C-SPANs to see if they are running it during the week.

fjp999 Wrote:btw, how many parties up north? Will have to look over C-SPANs to see if they are running it during the week.

5 parties...
Conservatives (currently in power)
Liberal (formerly in power, prior to 2005)
New Democratic Party (I actually had several classes with the guy running for my riding in the NDP :biggrin: )
Bloc Quebecois
Green Party

Thank the powers that be with only two to worry about. This time their is little or no choice if we want to retain some of our liberty's. Their is no choice in my mined but the Democratic ticket. Perhaps if we had a Parliament we would not be in this mess.

Well, that was... um... interesting?

Lots of finger pointing. I was happy (as I think everyone here would be) to here about same sex marriages - unfortunately my stream hiccuped at that moment, and when it came back they said they agreed and bam it was a new topic... I did hear Biden say that we should have all the same rights as everyone else, but I didn't get to hear Palin's response.

Anyway, Palin sounded either like a commercial or something from Leave it to Beaver, if she wasn't giving a campaign slogan in place of an answer, she would be using her little 'darn tootin' expressions... it was quite annoying. She only once or twice took a stand for herself, but the rest of the time would say "John McCain is reform, John McCain will... etc..."

Joe Biden on the other was ready with facts, with stats, with proposals that both he and Obama endorse. They did sound alike as they endorsed their running mates, I think Joe Biden included himself more into the equation than Palin did.

It was quite funny how they conformed to the alloted times. When Obama and McCain were debating, they regularly went over the time when trying to finish their points and correcting the other. Here, the moderator said times up, Biden and Palin would just say "oh, okay". I didn't expect that at all.

Anyway, overall Biden came out on top in my opinion. I'm not informed or experienced enough in the issues to know if either of them made any blunders regarding facts, so I'll have to wait until I get to see the Daily Show and CNN tomorrow.

Phew, now tomorrow I'll have to find the Canadian Debate... only a week and a half until Canadians vote.

XRIMO Wrote:Well, that was... um... interesting?
Lots of finger pointing. I was happy (as I think everyone here would be) to here about same sex marriages - unfortunately my stream hiccuped at that moment, and when it came back they said they agreed and bam it was a new topic... I did hear Biden say that we should have all the same rights as everyone else, but I didn't get to hear Palin's response.

you may be interested in this site as it has a video timeline or search. i havent used it but they say you can do a search with phrases and it will bring up that specific topic within the debate.

C-SPAN: Debate Hub Front Page

I missed the first half and am re-watching it now...

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