07-29-2014, 10:21 PM
I have to admit. My cat has never been in a carrier. When she needs to go somewhere in the car, she either rides on the passenger seat or in the back seat. Just curls up and waits, yeah? 
Meanie is very independent and very -picky- about who gets to touch her and when. She only really likes to be touched and petted right first thing in the morning, or right before bed at night. She's not a cuddler (other than with my feet when I'm settled on the couch, or on my ass when I'm sleeping in bed).
BUT, in situations like the shower or the vet? She's a serious clinger. She will climb me just to get into that "toddler holding" position with her arms around my neck and hide her face in my throat. And once she holds on, she does -not- want to let go until whatever the issue is has resolved itself.

MikeW Wrote:Well, now I never tried that. Actually the last time I had cats (currently do not) they were two brothers from the same litter. Both total sweethearts. But I can't imagine cradling them as you depict. But, then, I'm a wuss when it comes to pain. I taught them as kittens they were NOT to bite or scratch me, least they get bitten on the ear (yes, by me). This they could readily understand.
It was interesting. As adult cats, they liked to PET me to sleep. They'd come lie down next to me as I was falling asleep and one or the other would reach out with there paws and ever so gently draw them across my face without ever extending their claws (often quite near my eyes). Quite wonderful, actually, given how difficult it is for them to do that against their own natural inclination to scratch.
Meanie is very independent and very -picky- about who gets to touch her and when. She only really likes to be touched and petted right first thing in the morning, or right before bed at night. She's not a cuddler (other than with my feet when I'm settled on the couch, or on my ass when I'm sleeping in bed).
BUT, in situations like the shower or the vet? She's a serious clinger. She will climb me just to get into that "toddler holding" position with her arms around my neck and hide her face in my throat. And once she holds on, she does -not- want to let go until whatever the issue is has resolved itself.