08-04-2014, 11:16 PM
Here goes...
checking out this place for a change , possibly stimulating convos.
likes:french fries, gene tierney, amanda lear,nirvana,housewives of everywhere(except miami), rush, john waters, lamb chops, ru pauls drag race, haaretz, bach, black and white pictures, duran duran, early tarantino, woody allen's interiors, roxy music, paris is bur.ning, msmr, le1f, tennessee williams, 90s supermodels, you are NOT the baby's
Father!!",lana del rey, shirley bassey,dusty springfield, patsy/tammy/loretta.lemon meringue pie, things that make you go "huh?"...
ushi, free jazz, forrest gump...
checking out this place for a change , possibly stimulating convos.
likes:french fries, gene tierney, amanda lear,nirvana,housewives of everywhere(except miami), rush, john waters, lamb chops, ru pauls drag race, haaretz, bach, black and white pictures, duran duran, early tarantino, woody allen's interiors, roxy music, paris is bur.ning, msmr, le1f, tennessee williams, 90s supermodels, you are NOT the baby's
Father!!",lana del rey, shirley bassey,dusty springfield, patsy/tammy/loretta.lemon meringue pie, things that make you go "huh?"...