08-13-2014, 06:52 AM
dynamodean Wrote:Welcome, Stevie! Hope to get to know you better.
Me too dynamodean. Fun fact, a guy named Dean Darling (really!) was my first crush. I was 14 and he was... older.

AdamAndWill Wrote:Will: Yep, that strategy has gotten me through 6 years with Adam so far, that and the Yes, Dear Response lol -
Welcome to GS!
I think you two are adorable from all the posts I've read that you've written.

CCRox Wrote:Hey Stevie! I'm 50 but my age on my profile is 40 due to a lie. I'm Chad and you are most welcome to GS!
At least you're honest about it honey.

LJay Wrote:Welcome to the crew. From where I stand 50 is just getting started. Keep up the good work.
Holy crap! You mean I hafta get older?!

CarGuy65 Wrote:Welcome to GS and congrats on 30 years! And yeah, 50 is right around the corner for me. Can't wait.
Like anything else, any age is what you make of it. 50 isn't bad. In hindsight 50 is much better than 27 was, but that's a whole different story.

Incidentally everyone, I've discussed this with my partner and he really doesn't want pictures of himself on the net. It's his decision and his reasons are his own. So unless he approves of a picture, you won't be seeing much of him.