An easy way to tell if someone is obsessed with looks and image is to take a look at their friends and the people they choose to hang around with. Now there is nothing wrong with having good looking friends, but if the only friends you have and the people you are seen with are the people that satisfy the society accepted norms of beauty, it is very hard for anyone to make a sincere case that the only people they have met in life that are nice and that they have things in common with are the beautiful people.
I just like this video because he talks about how "ugly" by gay terms really isn't "ugly" in straight terms. In other words, it's hard for most gay guys to feel attractive when they only look "average", because as he puts it, most of the time gay guys are portrayed as really fit and into fashion and all that.
I'm Bluelight, but close enough lol funny excerpt btw. Where's that from?
I have an urge to shave the top of his moustache, just below his nose. It just needs to start a few mm further down, so it doesn't look like it pours out of his nostrils. You know that single-razor blade on the backside tip of the newer gilettes? That one. Just a few mm. Please?...
Being uncomfortable in your own skin is unhealthy too, accept the flaws and love them because they make you special.
He has some good advice but I disagree with a lot of what he says....
I know I am lucky (and a little weird) but I don't really see myself through anyone else's eyes and it annoys me when it is expected that I should. I don't think it is a compliment if someone tells me I am good looking...I think it is the same as telling me I am ugly. If the guy focused only on my appearance...I would NEVER go out with him. It was a turn off. I have only asked someone once in my entire life "how I looked"....I think it is weird to care and I can't see why it matters what anyone else thinks.
I think I look how I feel. If I am feeling great I think I look great and if I feel crappy I think I look crappy. I have had gay guys try to tell me that I must be full of shit because "everyone" thinks or does this or that (cough...bullshit...cough)....and I think they are talking about themselves and who they are and just can't bring themselves to see that there are a lot more individuals out there than they can imagine.
That's cool though....I discard the "gay guys think or act one way or the other en masse" BS and try to see if there is a point beyond that. The guy in the video has a few good points...but ultimately he is talking about himself and SOME gay men...not "gay men" in general.....
his hairstyle and facial hair are too pretentious and distracting to take him seriously.