I broke up with X in December. Over this year he begs for me back, then I realize he's been leading me on while moving on with someone else. Over the relationship I had with him he was manipulative, deceptive, enough to make the irreconcilable forgettable. He used me, but his sob story always drew me back. I loved him, practically worshiped him, which leaves me naïve and alone and prone to more bitterness than I deserve. I would prefer to be a warm person, but this string of betrayals has left me cold.
Stay clear of him!
People like this tend to be ... "Infectious" ... not in a good way.
Years ago I dated a guy that filled my head with lies... and I bought every single one of them.
Save yourself the turmoil and frustration!
A person can fool you so many times until you realize ... it is YOU buying into or partaking in a web of nonsense.
You deserve better...
There is so much more you could be doing with your time!
Cut the ties...
Bitter won't land you a boyfriend!
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I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
Don't beat yourself up over your perceived naïveté. Being in love and wanting to be happy there is a lot of stuff we accept before reality kicks in. Just take responsibility for your part in this mess and learn from your mistakes, so you don't repeat them with the next guy. You probably know now what red flags to look for in a guy.
Being gay is not for Sissies.
Leave the past in the past. What the past is best at is teaching you about the present.
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
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Every relationship ideally makes us a little smarter in the next one. You're learning about yourself and healing from past wounds. Give yourself credit and be thankful that you *did* finally get out of this relationship and see him for who he truly is. Take good care of yourself. A little more self love will help to sweeten that bitterness and warm your spirit. Wishing you well.
You have my heart, man.
Just don't become so cold you shut out everyone. Remember that people like "X" aren't the majority.
you have nothing to be feeling cold about as you did nothing wrong, he was the liar and manipulator so be proud that you were strong enough to break it off and leave, just try not to judge the next guy you meet by your exes standards